| 1950.03.18 | CCPCC directive on suppressing counterrevolutionary activities | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Death sentence, Eliminate bandits, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | CCP Central Committee Literature Research Center. Selected Major Documents since of Founding of the PRC. Volume 1. CCP Central Committee Literature Research Center Press 1993 | 1950 | Part A | part_a | 1950 | death-sentence eliminate-bandits suppress-counter-revolutionaries | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1950.07.23 | Directive by the Central People’s Government Administration Council and the Supreme People’s Court on suppressing counterrevolutionary activities | Government Administrative Council | Death sentence, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | People Daily (July 24 1950) | 1950 | Part A | part_a | 1950 | death-sentence suppress-counter-revolutionaries | government-administrative-council |
| 1950.09.13 | Ministry of Public Security report for the CCPCC on the National Administrative Conference on Public Order and Security | Ministry of Public Security | Conference of Public Security, Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1950 | Part A | part_a | 1950 | conference-of-public-security laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1951.05.15 | Resolution of the third National Conference on Public Security | National Conference on Public Security | Conference of Public Security, Killing ratio, Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1951 | Part A | part_a | 1951 | conference-of-public-security killing-ratio laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries | national-conference-on-public-security |
| 1951.06.25 | Approved by the CCP Central Committee: report by Comrade Luo Ruiqing on the conference concerning production of Laogai | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Laogai Conference, Laogai industry, Laogai Origin | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1951 | Part A | part_a | 1951 | laogai-conference laogai-industry laogai-origin | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1950.10.10 | CCPCC directive on correcting the right-deviation tendency in the Campaign for Suppressing Counterrevolutionary Activities | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Death sentence, Right deviation, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Based on the original document | 1950 | Part A | part_a | 1950 | death-sentence right-deviation suppress-counter-revolutionaries | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1951.09.11 | Report by Comrade Luo Ruiqing at the fourth national conference on public security: “Strive to Thoroughly Purge the Remaining Counterrevolutionary Forces” | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate bandits, National Conference on Public Security, Reactionary secret societies, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1951 | Part B | part_b | 1951 | eliminate-bandits national-conference-on-public-security reactionary-secret-societies suppress-counter-revolutionaries | luo-ruiqing |
| 1955.12.23 | Summary speech by Luo Ruiqing at the seventh National Conference on Public Security | Luo Ruiqing | National Conference on Public Security, Plan for arresting, Reeducation through labor, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1955 | Part B | part_b | 1955 | national-conference-on-public-security plan-for-arresting reeducation-through-labor suppress-counter-revolutionaries | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.07.13 | Luo Ruiqing’s speech at the national joint meeting of prosecutors, court presidents, and public security bureau chiefs | Luo Ruiqing | Death sentence, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Laogai, National Conference on Public Security | Ministry of Public Security. Public Security Construction. Issue No. 2 1957 | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | death-sentence eliminate-counter-revolutionaries laogai national-conference-on-public-security | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.12.28 | Luo Ruiqing’s summary speech at the eighth National Conference on Public Security | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Laogai, National Conference on Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Compiled by the editorial group of the Ministry of Public Security: Luo Ruiqing on the Work of People’s Public Security 1949–1959. Beijing: Masses Press 1994 | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries laogai national-conference-on-public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries | luo-ruiqing |
| 1959.06.09 | Luo Ruiqing’s talks at the South-Central political-legal conference | Luo Ruiqing | Death sentence, Laogai, National Conference on Public Security | Compiled by the editorial group of the Ministry of Public Security: Luo Ruiqing on the Work of People’s Public Security 1949–1959. Beijing: Masses Press 1994 | 1959 | Part B | part_b | 1959 | death-sentence laogai national-conference-on-public-security | luo-ruiqing |
| 1958.08.07 | Xu Zirong’s talk at the nighth National Conference on Public Security (Summary) | Xu Zirong | Class enemies, Laogai, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1958 | Part B | part_b | 1958 | class-enemies laogai reeducation-through-labor | xu-zirong |
| 1958.09.00 | Liang Guobin’s talk at the nighth National Conference on Public Security | Liang Guobin | Conference of Public Security, Laogai industry | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part B | part_b | 1958 | conference-of-public-security laogai-industry | liang-guobin |
| 1959.05.11 | Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at the national conference of the model workers in organs of the political-legal front | Luo Ruiqing | Class enemies, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1959 | Part B | part_b | 1959 | class-enemies eliminate-counter-revolutionaries | luo-ruiqing |
| 1951.05.22 | Resolution of the Third National Public Security Conference on gathering all prisoners for Laoga | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Conference of Public Security, Laogai industry, Laogai Origin | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1951 | Part C | part_c | 1951 | conference-of-public-security laogai-industry laogai-origin | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1950.07.14 | Organizational rules of the People’s Court | Government Administrative Council | Court, Death sentence, Land reform | Based on the original document | 1950 | Part C | part_c | 1950 | court death-sentence land-reform | government-administrative-council |
| 1958.08.16 | Resolution on strengthening the work of reforming landlords, rich peasants, counterrevolutionaries, bad elements, and Rightists, passed at the ninth national public security conference | National Conference on Public Security | Class enemies, Conference of Public Security | Ministry of Public Security. Public Security Construction. Issue No. 52 1958. | 1958 | Part C | part_c | 1958 | class-enemies conference-of-public-security | national-conference-on-public-security |
| 1958.08.16 | Resolution of the ninth national public security conference on the work of Laogai | National Conference on Public Security | Conference of Public Security, Great Leap Forward | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1958 | Part C | part_c | 1958 | conference-of-public-security great-leap-forward | national-conference-on-public-security |
| 1959.03.13 | Instructions by the Ministry of Public Security concerning two documents: basic summary of the reform-through-labor work of 1958; plan for the national reform-though-labor work of 1959 | Ministry of Public Security | Forced job placement, Laogai Farms, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1959 | Part C | part_c | 1959 | forced-job-placement laogai-farms laogai-industry | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1964.08.05 | Circular by the Ministry of Public Security on issuing the summary report on the sixth National Conference on Laogai Work | Ministry of Public Security | Forced job placement, Great Leap Forward, Laogai Conference | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1964 | Part C | part_c | 1964 | forced-job-placement great-leap-forward laogai-conference | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1972.05.29 | Report by the Laogai Group of the Ministry of Public Security on Laogai Work Symposium (excerpts) | Ministry of Public Security | Cultural Revolution, Laogai Conference, Lin Biao Clique | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1972 | Part C | part_c | 1972 | cultural-revolution laogai-conference lin-biao-clique | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1954.08.12 | Teaching materials of the pre-trial work of the people’s public security apparatus concerning counterrevolutionary cases | Central People’s Public Security Academy | Internal publication, Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Scanned from the Original | 1954 | Part D | part_d | 1954 | internal-publication public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries | central-peoples-public-security-academy |
| 1957.07.25 | Typical materials of a few Rightists among provincial and municipal cadres | Rectification office of the CCP Guangdong Provincial Committee | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Propaganda | Scanned from the Original | 1957 | Part D | part_d | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign propaganda | rectification-office-of-the-ccp-guangdong-provincial-committee |
| 1957.10.00 | Collected materials from the exhibition of the criminal evidence of counterrevolutionaries and other criminal cases | Ministry of Public Security | Propaganda, Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Scanned from the Original | 1957 | Part D | part_d | 1957 | propaganda public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1968.09.12 | The PLA Shanghai Municipal Military Control Committee: Public Notice | PLA Shanghai Municipal Military Control Committee | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1968 | Part D | part_d | 1968 | cultural-revolution verdict | pla-shanghai-municipal-military-control-committee |
| 1969.08.13 | The people’s security group of the Revolutionary Committee of Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, and The PLA military control group of the public security office of Chengdu City: | People’s security group of the Revolutionary Committee of Chengdu City | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1969 | Part D | part_d | 1969 | cultural-revolution verdict | peoples-security-group-of-the-revolutionary-committee-of-chengdu-city |
| 1987.06.00 | Selected propaganda rules concerning public security | Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security | Censorship, Propaganda, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1987 | Part D | part_d | 1987 | censorship propaganda public-security | political-department-of-the-ministry-of-public-security |
| 1951.11.00 | Learning materials for cadres in charge of Laogai work | Eighth section of the Southwest Public Security Department | Ideological remolding, Internal publication, Laogai industry | Scanned from the Original | 1951 | Part D | part_d | 1951 | ideological-remolding internal-publication laogai-industry | eighth-section-of-the-southwest-public-security-department |
| 1951.12.00 | Teaching materials for prisoners subject to Laogai | Eighth section of the Southwest Public Security Department | Ideological remolding, Internal publication, Laogai Origin, Theory and policy | Scanned from the Original | 1951 | Part D | part_d | 1951 | ideological-remolding internal-publication laogai-origin theory-and-policy | eighth-section-of-the-southwest-public-security-department |
| 1952.12.28 | Documentary Collection of the campaigns of “Three Antis” and “Five Antis” | People’s Press | Campaigns of “Three Antis” and “Five Antis” | Scanned from the Original | 1952 | Part D | part_d | 1952 | campaigns-of-three-antis-and-five-antis | peoples-press |
| 1953.01.00 | Selected essays on teachers’ thought reform, volume 1 | South-Central People’s Press | Ideological remolding, Intellectuals, School and college | Scanned from the Original | 1953 | Part D | part_d | 1953 | ideological-remolding intellectuals school-and-college | south-central-peoples-press |
| 1953.02.07 | Chengdu Public Safety Bureau: Notice for controlled counterrevolutionary – Zhongqin Lin. | Chengdu Public Safety Bureau | Class enemies, Legal instruments, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Scanned from the Original | 1953 | Part D | part_d | 1953 | class-enemies legal-instruments suppress-counter-revolutionaries | chengdu-public-safety-bureau |
| 1953.03.00 | Reference materials concerning the banning of reactionary secret societies (issues 1-3) | Shanghai Public Safety Bureau | Propaganda, Reactionary secret societies, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Scanned from the Original | 1953 | Part D | part_d | 1953 | propaganda reactionary-secret-societies suppress-counter-revolutionaries | shanghai-public-safety-bureau |
| 1953.10.31 | Notification and other documents by the public security bureau of the Suian County People’s Government about putting counterrevolutionaries under surveillance | Yu Shucheng | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1953 | Part D | part_d | 1953 | anti-rightist-campaign suppress-counter-revolutionaries verdict | yu-shucheng |
| 1954.09.04 | Notification on the control of counterrevolutionary elements – Suzhen Lin | Kaifeng Public Safety Bureau | Class enemies, Legal instruments, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Scanned from the Original | 1954 | Part D | part_d | 1954 | class-enemies legal-instruments suppress-counter-revolutionaries | kaifeng-public-safety-bureau |
| 1955.07.22 | Censorship form of controlled bad element – Guiying Liang | Chengdu Public Safety Bureau | Class enemies, Legal instruments, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Scanned from the Original | 1955 | Part D | part_d | 1955 | class-enemies legal-instruments suppress-counter-revolutionaries | chengdu-public-safety-bureau |
| 1955.10.00 | Resolutely purge Gong Pinmei counterrevolutionary clique; completely uncover counterrevolutionaries from the Catholic community | Shanghai People’s Press | Counter-revolutionary clique, Religion, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Scanned from the Original | 1955 | Part D | part_d | 1955 | counter-revolutionary-clique religion suppress-counter-revolutionaries | shanghai-peoples-press |
| 1956.04.25 | Release notification – Jide Yu | First Prison of Henan Province | Legal instruments, Released prisoner | Scanned from the Original | 1956 | Part D | part_d | 1956 | legal-instruments released-prisoner | first-prison-of-henan-province |
| 1955.10.10 | Criminal Judgment by the Shanghai Tilanqiao People’s Court on the case of Cao Xiaobing | Shanghai Tilanqiao People’s Court | Legal instruments, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1955 | Part D | part_d | 1955 | legal-instruments verdict | shanghai-tilanqiao-peoples-court |
| 1957.09.01 | Collection of Rightists Remarks in Wuhan University (1) | Office of Socialist Education of CCP Wuhan University Committee | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Intellectuals, School and college | Scanned from the Original | 1957 | Part D | part_d | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign intellectuals school-and-college | office-of-socialist-education-of-ccp-wuhan-university-committee |
| 1957.10.00 | Collection of Rightists Remarks in Zhongshan University (1) | Propaganda Department of CCP Zhongshan University Committee | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Intellectuals, School and college | Scanned from the Original | 1957 | Part D | part_d | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign intellectuals school-and-college | propaganda-department-of-ccp-zhongshan-university-committee |
| 1957.11.00 | Collection of Rightists Remarks | Reference material library of Zhejiang University’s Marxism-Leninism teaching and research group | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Intellectuals, School and college | Scanned from the Original | 1957 | Part D | part_d | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign intellectuals school-and-college | reference-material-library-of-zhejiang-universitys-marxism-leninism-teaching-and-research-group |
| 1958.01.09 | Rules concerning household registration of PRC citizens | Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress | Law and Rules | Scanned from the Original | 1958 | Part D | part_d | 1958 | law-and-rules | standing-committee-of-the-national-peoples-congress |
| 1957.12.00 | Collection of Rightists Remarks in Wuhan University (2) | Office of Socialist Education of CCP Wuhan University Committee | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Intellectuals, School and college | Scanned from the Original | 1957 | Part D | part_d | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign intellectuals school-and-college | office-of-socialist-education-of-ccp-wuhan-university-committee |
| 1958.02.09 | The views of the Party Committee for Central Government Organs on the handling of 106 rightists | Party Committee for Central Government Organs | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Intellectuals | Scanned from the Original | 1958 | Part D | part_d | 1958 | anti-rightist-campaign intellectuals | party-committee-for-central-government-organs |
| 1960.12.21 | Notification and other documents by the public security bureau of the Suian County People’s Government about putting counterrevolutionaries under surveillance | Beijing Municipal People’s Procuratorate, Beijing Supreme People’s Court | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Reexamination and reinstatement, School and college | Scanned from the Original | 1960 | Part D | part_d | 1960 | anti-rightist-campaign reexamination-and-reinstatement school-and-college | beijing-municipal-peoples-procuratorate beijing-supreme-peoples-court |
| 1961.01.10 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 1, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.01.31 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 2, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.02.11 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 3, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.03.03 | Statistics and analysis of cannibalism | Sub-group for Ningxia Province of the Central Greeting Group | Cannibalism, Great Famine, Great Leap Forward | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | cannibalism great-famine great-leap-forward | sub-group-for-ningxia-province-of-the-central-greeting-group |
| 1961.03.11 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 4, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.03.25 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 5, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.05.15 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 6, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.04.15 | Report on two cases of cannibalism in Gansu province | Liu Lanting, Su Zhenrong | Cannibalism, Great Famine, Great Leap Forward | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | cannibalism great-famine great-leap-forward | liu-lanting su-zhenrong |
| 1961.06.05 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 7, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.07.06 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 9, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.08.10 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 10, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.08.20 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 11, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.09.20 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 12, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.10.24 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 13, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.12.15 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 15, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.06.22 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 8, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1963.01.06 | Chengdu Public Safety Bureau: Search warranty and Record of search item – Zhenquan Huang | Chengdu Public Safety Bureau | Legal instruments, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1963 | Part D | part_d | 1963 | legal-instruments public-security | chengdu-public-safety-bureau |
| 1966.12.28 | Chengdu Public Safety Bureau: Detention order – Guangjue Zhu | Chengdu Public Safety Bureau | Legal instruments, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1963 | Part D | part_d | 1963 | legal-instruments public-security | chengdu-public-safety-bureau |
| 1966.06.15 | Authorized by the CCP committee of Guangzhou Dongping Farm: registry of the targets of the (proletarian) dictatorship | CCP committee of Guangzhou Dongping Farm | Class enemies, Cultural Revolution | Scanned from the Original | 1966 | Part D | part_d | 1966 | class-enemies cultural-revolution | ccp-committee-of-guangzhou-dongping-farm |
| 1966.12.28 | The hidden story of the Beijing No. 6 Middle School Laogai facility | Red Rebels Regiment of the Beijing No. 6 Middle School | Cultural Revolution, Violence and abnormal death | Scanned from the Original | 1966 | Part D | part_d | 1966 | cultural-revolution violence-and-abnormal-death | red-rebels-regiment-of-the-beijing-no-6-middle-school |
| 1969.04.00 | Proof of four counterrevolutionaries’ guilt | Case Leading Group of the Revolutionary Committee of Zhejiang Province | Class enemies, Cultural Revolution, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1969 | Part D | part_d | 1969 | class-enemies cultural-revolution public-security | case-leading-group-of-the-revolutionary-committee-of-zhejiang-province |
| 1969.08.28 | The PLA military control group of the public security office of Dongcheng District, Chengdu City, and the people’s security group of the revolutionary committee of Dongcheng District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province: Public Notice | PLA military control group of the public security office of Dongcheng District | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1969 | Part D | part_d | 1969 | cultural-revolution verdict | pla-military-control-group-of-the-public-security-office-of-dongcheng-district |
| 1970.01.09 | The PLA Beijing Municipal Military Control Committee of Public Security Bureau and Court: Public Notice | PLA Beijing Municipal Military Control Committee of Public Security Bureau and Court | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1970 | Part D | part_d | 1970 | cultural-revolution verdict | pla-beijing-municipal-military-control-committee-of-public-security-bureau-and-court |
| 1970.02.25 | The PLA Shanghai Municipal Military Control Committee: Public Notice | PLA Shanghai Municipal Military Control Committee | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1970 | Part D | part_d | 1970 | cultural-revolution verdict | pla-shanghai-municipal-military-control-committee |
| 1970.03.10 | The PLA military control group of the public security office of Chengdu City, and The people’s security group of the Revolutionary Committee of Chengdu City, Sichuan Province: Public Notice | PLA military control group of the public security office of Chengdu City | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1970 | Part D | part_d | 1970 | cultural-revolution verdict | pla-military-control-group-of-the-public-security-office-of-chengdu-city |
| 1970.04.04 | Notice of Kaifeng Revolutionary Committee concerning the circulation of the criminal facts of the second batch of active counterrevolutionaries and common criminals | Kaifeng Revolutionary Committee | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1970 | Part D | part_d | 1970 | cultural-revolution verdict | kaifeng-revolutionary-committee |
| 1970.08.12 | Notice of the Taiyuan Municipal Revolutionary Committee concerning the organization of the revolutionary masses to offer their views on the sentencing of criminals | Taiyuan Municipal Revolutionary Committee | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1970 | Part D | part_d | 1970 | cultural-revolution verdict | taiyuan-municipal-revolutionary-committee |
| 1970.08.25 | The PLA Shanghai Municipal Military Control Committee: Public Notice | PLA Shanghai Municipal Military Control Committee | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1970 | Part D | part_d | 1970 | cultural-revolution verdict | pla-shanghai-municipal-military-control-committee |
| 1970.12.09 | The PLA Shanghai Municipal Military Control Committee: Public Notice | PLA Shanghai Municipal Military Control Committee | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1970 | Part D | part_d | 1970 | cultural-revolution verdict | pla-shanghai-municipal-military-control-committee |
| 1961.11.15 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 14, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1961.12.29 | Guangxi Public Security, issue no. 16, 1961 | Guangxi Public Security editorial board | Internal publication, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1961 | Part D | part_d | 1961 | internal-publication public-security | guangxi-public-security-editorial-board |
| 1971.01.21 | The PLA military control group of the public security office of Nanling County, Anhui Province: Public Notice | PLA Shanghai Municipal Military Control Committee | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1971 | Part D | part_d | 1971 | cultural-revolution verdict | pla-shanghai-municipal-military-control-committee |
| 1972.05.29 | Ministry of Public Security: Wanted Order – Hongxin Yu | Ministry of Public Security | Legal instruments, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1972 | Part D | part_d | 1972 | legal-instruments public-security | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1972.12.13 | Announcement of cases for public trials from the People’s Security Group of the Shenyang Municipal Revolutionary Committee and the Military Control Commission of PLA’s Shenyang Public Security Organ | People’s Security Group of the Shenyang Municipal Revolutionary Committee | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1972 | Part D | part_d | 1972 | cultural-revolution verdict | peoples-security-group-of-the-shenyang-municipal-revolutionary-committee |
| 1973.01.09 | Notice from the Security Department of the Lanzhou Municipal Revolutionary Committee of Gansu Province and the Military Control Commission of PLA’s Public Security Organ of Lanzhou concerning the discussion of materials of criminals for public trials | Security Department of the Lanzhou Municipal Revolutionary Committee of Gansu Province | Cultural Revolution, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1973 | Part D | part_d | 1973 | cultural-revolution verdict | security-department-of-the-lanzhou-municipal-revolutionary-committee-of-gansu-province |
| 1974.11.02 | Detention judgment form – Xming He | Chengdu Public Safety Bureau | Legal instruments, Public Security | Scanned from the Original | 1974 | Part D | part_d | 1974 | legal-instruments public-security | chengdu-public-safety-bureau |
| 1974.11.10 | Sentence-completion evaluation by the fourth branch of the Hubei Provincial Laogai Management Team | Li Jiafu | Laogai site, Legal instruments, Released prisoner | Scanned from the Original | 1974 | Part D | part_d | 1974 | laogai-site legal-instruments released-prisoner | li-jiafu |
| 1975.11.00 | Education outline for prisoners released upon examination | Laogai work bureau of the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Bureau | Cultural Revolution, Propaganda, Released prisoner | Scanned from the Original | 1975 | Part D | part_d | 1975 | cultural-revolution propaganda released-prisoner | laogai-work-bureau-of-the-jiangsu-provincial-public-security-bureau |
| 1976.07.08 | Release Certification (Huawen Meng) | PLA military control group of the public security office of Zhengzhou City | Legal instruments, Public Security, Reeducation through labor | Scanned from the Original | 1976 | Part D | part_d | 1976 | legal-instruments public-security reeducation-through-labor | pla-military-control-group-of-the-public-security-office-of-zhengzhou-city |
| 1976.10.00 | Selected documents concerning financial management regulations on Laogai work | Laogai Work Bureau of the Shandong Provincial Public Security Bureau | Financial management, Internal publication, Law and Rules | Scanned from the Original | 1976 | Part D | part_d | 1976 | financial-management internal-publication law-and-rules | laogai-work-bureau-of-the-shandong-provincial-public-security-bureau |
| 1977.01.04 | Shanghai Supreme People’s Court: announcement of public trial result on a group of anti-revolutionary and other criminal cases | Shanghai Supreme People’s Court | Court, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1977 | Part D | part_d | 1977 | court verdict | shanghai-supreme-peoples-court |
| 1977.09.17 | Shanghai Supreme People’s Court: Notification on encouraging people to discuss some public trial cases | Shanghai Supreme People’s Court | Court, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1976 | Part D | part_d | 1976 | court verdict | shanghai-supreme-peoples-court |
| 1977.09.27 | People’s Court of Dongcheng Distract, Chengdu City: Proclamation | People’s Court of Dongcheng Distract of Chengdu City | Court, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1977 | Part D | part_d | 1977 | court verdict | peoples-court-of-dongcheng-distract-of-chengdu-city |
| 1979.03.21 | The decision to correct the wrongful labeling of comrade Wu Hongda as a rightist | Provisional Committee of CCP Wuhan Institute of Geology | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Reexamination and reinstatement | Scanned from the Original | 1979 | Part D | part_d | 1979 | anti-rightist-campaign reexamination-and-reinstatement | provisional-committee-of-ccp-wuhan-institute-of-geology |
| 1982.08.00 | Reeducation through labor | Committee for compiling and examining public security teaching materials at the People’s Police Academy | Internal publication, Reeducation through labor, Theory and policy | Beijing Masses Press | 1982 | Part D | part_d | 1982 | internal-publication reeducation-through-labor theory-and-policy | committee-for-compiling-and-examining-public-security-teaching-materials-at-the-peoples-police-academy |
| 1983.12.14 | Notice of providing funeral expenses and pension cost to the victims of the Cultural Revolution | People's Government of Liujiang County | Cultural Revolution, Violence and abnormal death | Scanned from the Original | 1983 | Part D | part_d | 1983 | cultural-revolution violence-and-abnormal-death | peoples-government-of-liujiang-county |
| 1987.04.25 | Decision for Reeducation through Labor – Jiangang Kan | Chengdu Administrative Committee on Reeducation through Labor | Legal instruments, Reeducation through labor | | | Part D | part_d | | legal-instruments reeducation-through-labor | chengdu-administrative-committee-on-reeducation-through-labor |
| 1987.05.28 | Major events during the Cultural Revolution in Wuxuan County | Office of the Party rectification leading group of the CCP Wuxuan county committee | Cannibalism, Cultural Revolution, Violence and abnormal death | Scanned from the Original | 1987 | Part D | part_d | 1987 | cannibalism cultural-revolution violence-and-abnormal-death | office-of-the-party-rectification-leading-group-of-the-ccp-wuxuan-county-committee |
| 1989.10.19 | Court files of Gao Hongwei | Guoshi Press | 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, Court, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1989 | Part D | part_d | 1989 | 1989-tiananmen-square-massacre court verdict | guoshi-press |
| 1989.10.25 | Court files of Li Wangyang | Guoshi Press | 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, Court, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1989 | Part D | part_d | 1989 | 1989-tiananmen-square-massacre court verdict | guoshi-press |
| 1989.11.18 | Court files of Jiang Jie | Guoshi Press | 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, Court, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1989 | Part D | part_d | 1989 | 1989-tiananmen-square-massacre court verdict | guoshi-press |
| 1989.08.22 | Court files of Sun Baoqiang | Guoshi Press | 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, Court, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1989 | Part D | part_d | 1989 | 1989-tiananmen-square-massacre court verdict | guoshi-press |
| 1990.01.16 | Court files of Zhang Yansheng, Bai Fengying and Wang Jian | Guoshi Press | 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, Court, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1990 | Part D | part_d | 1990 | 1989-tiananmen-square-massacre court verdict | guoshi-press |
| 1991.03.24 | Hospice notification to Jianwen Huang’s family members | Public Safety Branch of Southwestern Air Administration | Legal instruments, Reeducation through labor | Scanned from the Original | 1991 | Part D | part_d | 1991 | legal-instruments reeducation-through-labor | public-safety-branch-of-southwestern-air-administration |
| 1992.05.21 | Court files of Sun Liyong, Shang Ziwen, Li Aimin and Jin Cheng | Guoshi Press | 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, Court, Verdict | Scanned from the Original | 1992 | Part D | part_d | 1992 | 1989-tiananmen-square-massacre court verdict | guoshi-press |
| 1993.04.00 | Selection of regulations concerning Laogai | Henan Provincial Laogai Bureau | Internal publication, Laogai, Law and Rules | Scanned from the Original | 1993 | Part D | part_d | 1993 | internal-publication laogai law-and-rules | henan-provincial-laogai-bureau |
| 1993.11.00 | Mao Zedong and other veteran revolutionists on the work of reforming criminals | Laogai Bureau of the Ministry of Justice | Ideological remolding, Laogai industry, Laogai Origin, Theory and policy | Scanned from the Original | 1993 | Part D | part_d | 1993 | ideological-remolding laogai-industry laogai-origin theory-and-policy | laogai-bureau-of-the-ministry-of-justice |
| 1998.08.00 | Reeducation-through-Labor Manual | Sichuan Xinhua Reeducation-through-Labor Center | Internal publication, Reeducation through labor | Scanned from the Original | 1998 | Part D | part_d | 1998 | internal-publication reeducation-through-labor | sichuan-xinhua-reeducation-through-labor-center |
| 1950.11.30 | Directive by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Public Security assigning prisons, detention centers, and reform-through-labor units within the jurisdiction of public security organs | Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Public Security | Organizational system, Prison, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1950 | Part C | part_c | 1950 | organizational-system prison public-security | ministry-of-justice-and-the-ministry-of-public-security |
| 1951.09.06 | Brief report by the Public Security Bureau of Western Sichuan on clearing up the backlog of cases and resolving existing issues in the organization of Laogai work | Public Security Bureau of Western Sichuan | Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1951 | Part C | part_c | 1951 | laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries violence-and-abnormal-death | public-security-bureau-of-western-sichuan |
| 1951.09.22 | Report by the Public Security Bureau of Western Sichuan concerning the Laogai situation in Western Sichuan | Public Security Bureau of Western Sichuan | Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1951 | Part C | part_c | 1951 | laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries violence-and-abnormal-death | public-security-bureau-of-western-sichuan |
| 1951.12.18 | Circular of the Southwest Public Security Bureau concerning illnesses and deaths of inmates in our district | Southwest Public Security Bureau | Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1951 | Part C | part_c | 1951 | laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries violence-and-abnormal-death | southwest-public-security-bureau |
| 1952.06.30 | Resolution of the First National Conference on Laogai Work | National Conference on Laogai Work | Laogai Conference, Laogai industry, Laogai Origin | Based on the original document | 1952 | Part C | part_c | 1952 | laogai-conference laogai-industry laogai-origin | national-conference-on-laogai-work |
| 1952.10.03 | Joint directive by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice specifying courts’ and public security organs’ responsibilities for, and work relations with, prisons and detention facilities after the transfer of the latter | Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice | Court, Organizational system, Prison, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1952 | Part C | part_c | 1952 | court organizational-system prison public-security | ministry-of-public-security-and-the-ministry-of-justice |
| 1953.01.11 | With the consent of the CCP Central Committee: report by Comrades Bo Yibo and Luo Ruiqing on the first session of the Central Committee’s Laogai Production Management Committee | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Condemned prisoner, Laogai forms, Laogai industry | Based on the original document | 1953 | Part C | part_c | 1953 | condemned-prisoner laogai-forms laogai-industry | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1953.12.24 | Resolution of the Second National Conference on the Work concerning Criminals being Reformed Through Labor | National Conference on Laogai Work | Forced job placement, Laogai Conference, Laogai forms, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1953 | Part C | part_c | 1953 | forced-job-placement laogai-conference laogai-forms laogai-industry | national-conference-on-laogai-work |
| 1954.03.29 | Issued with instructions from the CCP Gansu Provincial Committee: Plan of Gansu Province for implementing the resolution adopted at the Second National conference on Laogai Work | CCP Gansu Provincial Committee | Forced job placement, Laogai Conference, Laogai forms, Laogai industry | Based on the original document | 1954 | Part C | part_c | 1954 | forced-job-placement laogai-conference laogai-forms laogai-industry | ccp-gansu-provincial-committee |
| 1954.08.26 | Laogai Regulations in the People’s Republic of China | Government Administrative Council | Laogai, Law and Rules | Based on the original document | 1954 | Part C | part_c | 1954 | laogai law-and-rules | government-administrative-council |
| 1954.10.08 | Circular by the Ministry of Public Security regarding the naming of various Laogai production units, prisons, detention centers, and juvenile reformatories | Ministry of Public Security | Juvenile delinquent, Public Security, Reeducation through labor | Based on the original document | 1954 | Part C | part_c | 1954 | juvenile-delinquent public-security reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1954.11.02 | Ministry of Public Security directive approving documents produced by the symposium on production planning statistics for Laogai (reform through labor) facilities (excerpts) | Ministry of Public Security | Laogai forms, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1954 | Part C | part_c | 1954 | laogai-forms laogai-industry | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1955.01.19 | Ministry of Public Security directive about issuing the report on the 1954 meeting concerning agricultural and industrial production by Laogai (reform through labor) facilities | Ministry of Public Security | Laogai forms, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1955 | Part C | part_c | 1955 | laogai-forms laogai-industry | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1955.02.17 | Supplement to the circular notice by the Ministry of Public Security regarding the naming of various Laogai production units, prisons, detention centers, and juvenile reformatories | Ministry of Public Security | Juvenile delinquent, Public Security, Reeducation through labor | Based on the original document | 1955 | Part C | part_c | 1955 | juvenile-delinquent public-security reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1955.06.20 | Report by the CCP Beijing Municipal Committee for the CCPCC on the situation of purged personnel wandering in Beijing and suggestions for handling the problem | CCP Beijing Municipal Committee | Reeducation through labor, Refugee | Based on the original document | 1955 | Part C | part_c | 1955 | reeducation-through-labor refugee | ccp-beijing-municipal-committee |
| 1955.12.31 | State Council directive concerning the financial management in Laogai work | State Council (SC) | Financial management, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1955 | Part C | part_c | 1955 | financial-management laogai-industry | state-council-sc |
| 1956.02.07 | Joint circular by the Superior People’s Procuratorate, the Superior People’s Court, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Public Security concerning the detaining, arresting, and clearing out of juvenile criminals | Superior People’s Procuratorate, Supreme People’s Court | Juvenile delinquent, Law and Rules, Reeducation through labor | Based on the original document | 1956 | Part C | part_c | 1956 | juvenile-delinquent law-and-rules reeducation-through-labor | superior-peoples-procuratorate supreme-peoples-court |
| 1957.08.01 | Resolution of the State Council on Reeducation through labor | State Council (SC) | Law and Rules, Reeducation through labor | Based on the original document | 1957 | Part C | part_c | 1957 | law-and-rules reeducation-through-labor | state-council-sc |
| 1957.08.04 | Why should we implement Reeducation through labor? | People's Daily | Law and Rules, Reeducation through labor | People’s Daily. August 4. 1957 | 1957 | Part C | part_c | 1957 | law-and-rules reeducation-through-labor | peoples-daily |
| 1958.02.10 | Report by the Party Group of the Public Security Bureau of Guizhou province on some work units’ use of Laogai inmates and suggestions for the future | Party Group of the Public Security Bureau of Guizhou province | Forced labor, Laogai | Based on the original document | 1958 | Part C | part_c | 1958 | forced-labor laogai | party-group-of-the-public-security-bureau-of-guizhou-province |
| 1959.03.03 | Report by the Eleventh bureau of the Ministry of Public Security to the Party Group of the Ministry on the Fourth National Conference on the Laogai Work | Eleventh bureau of the Ministry of Public Security | Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1959 | Part C | part_c | 1959 | great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | eleventh-bureau-of-the-ministry-of-public-security |
| 1959.08.12 | Transmitted with instructions by the Ministry of Public Security: report by the Eleventh Bureau on the symposium on the nation’s reformatory work | Ministry of Public Security | Great Famine, Laogai, Violence and abnormal death | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1959 | Part C | part_c | 1959 | great-famine laogai violence-and-abnormal-death | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1960.04.23 | Summary of discussions about several issues at the Fifth National Conference on the Laogai Work | National Conference on the Laogai Work | Great Leap Forward, Law and Rules | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1960 | Part C | part_c | 1960 | great-leap-forward law-and-rules | national-conference-on-the-laogai-work |
| 1960.12.00 | Report on measures to quickly end diseases and deaths in Laogai and reeducation through labor farms in our city (Zhangye City) | Zhangye City | Great Famine, Laogai, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1960 | Part C | part_c | 1960 | great-famine laogai reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | zhangye-city |
| 1961.01.14 | Emergency directive of the Ministry of Public Security on stopping the deaths of the three categories of people | Ministry of Public Security | Great Famine, Laogai, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1961 | | | 1961 | great-famine laogai reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1961.01.14 | Emergency directive of the Ministry of Public Security on stopping the deaths of the three categories of people | Ministry of Public Security | Great Famine, Laogai, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1961 | Part C | part_c | 1961 | great-famine laogai reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1961.01.16 | A preliminary investigation report by the Zhangye Prefectural Party Committee concerning the death of the inmates of the Jiabiangou Reeducation through labor Camps in Jiuquan as well as the suggestions on the handling of related personnel | Zhangye Prefectural Party Committee | Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1961 | Part C | part_c | 1961 | great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | zhangye-prefectural-party-committee |
| 1961.03.17 | Supplementary regulations regarding ten policy issues in public security work by Ministry of Public Security | Ministry of Public Security | Great Famine, Laogai, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Public Security of the People. issue no. 4. 1961 | 1961 | Part C | part_c | 1961 | great-famine laogai reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1961.05.09 | An investigation report by Department of Civil Affair of Sichuan Province on the deaths at Bailaping farm in Ebian county | Department of Civil Affair of Sichuan Province | Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Refugee, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1961 | Part C | part_c | 1961 | great-famine reeducation-through-labor refugee violence-and-abnormal-death | department-of-civil-affair-of-sichuan-province |
| 1961.05.16 | Circular by the Ministry of Public Security on measures for controlling unnatural illnesses and deaths of labor camp inmates | Ministry of Public Security | Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Refugee, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1961 | Part C | part_c | 1961 | great-famine reeducation-through-labor refugee violence-and-abnormal-death | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1961.11.09 | Circular of the Ministry of Public Security on sorting out the Rightists who are in the reeducation through labor | Ministry of Public Security | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1961 | Part C | part_c | 1961 | anti-rightist-campaign great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1962.03.13 | Response of the Ministry of Public Security to the request for instructions concerning the marriage issue of those undergoing Laogai (reform through labor) and Laojiao (re-education through labor) | Ministry of Public Security | Law and Rules, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1962 | Part C | part_c | 1962 | law-and-rules reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1962.03.19 | Reply by the Ministry of Public Security to the Labor Reform Office of the Fujian Provincial Public Security Bureau on its report on issues related to clarifying the cases of Rightists being Reeducation through labor | Ministry of Public Security | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1962 | Part C | part_c | 1962 | anti-rightist-campaign great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1962.12.04 | Specific work rules for law enforcement personnel in charge of Laogai | Ministry of Public Security | Laogai, Prison, Public Security | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1962 | Part C | part_c | 1962 | laogai prison public-security | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1963.07.12 | Stipulations by the CCP Gansu Provincial Committee on checking up on the Reeducation through labor inmates of Jiabiangou Camp | CCP Gansu Provincial Committee | Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1963 | Part C | part_c | 1963 | great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-gansu-provincial-committee |
| 1963.09.19 | Circular by the CCP Gansu Provincial Committee leading group on Rightist reform work on the problems in checking up on the inmates at Jiabiangou Labor Camp | CCP Gansu Provincial Committee leading group on Rightist reform work | Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1963 | Part C | part_c | 1963 | great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-gansu-provincial-committee-leading-group-on-rightist-reform-work |
| 1963.11.14 | Brief report by the Office for the Reform of Rightists of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee on the cleanup of inmates in the Jiabiangou Reeducation through labor Camp | Office for the Reform of Rightists of the Gansu Provincial Party Committe | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1963 | Part C | part_c | 1963 | anti-rightist-campaign great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | office-for-the-reform-of-rightists-of-the-gansu-provincial-party-committe |
| 1963.12.31 | Public bulletin by the Ministry of Public Security on serious lawlessness in Guangxi’s Zhongshan Reeducation through labor camp | Ministry of Public Security | Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1963 | Part C | part_c | 1963 | reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1964.01.04 | Instruction-request report by the CCP Gansu Provincial Committee on clearing up inmates at Jiabiangou Reeducation through labor Camp | CCP Gansu Provincial Committee | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1964 | Part C | part_c | 1964 | anti-rightist-campaign great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-gansu-provincial-committee |
| 1964.01.09 | Summary report by the Dingxi Prefectural Party Committee on the cleanup of inmates in the Jiabiangou Reeducation through labor Camp in Jiuquan | Dingxi Prefectural Party Committee | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1964 | Part C | part_c | 1964 | anti-rightist-campaign great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | dingxi-prefectural-party-committee |
| 1964.01.31 | Reply by the CCPCC Northwest Bureau to the instruction-requesting report by the CCP Gansu Provincial Committee on clearing up Jiabiangou Reeducation through labor Camp inmates, with attachments | CCPCC Northwest Bureau | Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1964 | Part C | part_c | 1964 | great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ccpcc-northwest-bureau |
| 1964.04.09 | Summary report by the Wuwei Prefectural Party Committee on the cleanup of inmates in the Jiabiangou Reeducation through labor Camp | Wuwei Prefectural Party Committee | Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1964 | Part C | part_c | 1964 | great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | wuwei-prefectural-party-committee |
| 1964.06.26 | Summary report by the Office for the Reform of Rightists of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee on the “cleanup of inmates in the Jiabiangou Reeducation-Through-Labor Camp” | Reform of Rightists of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1964 | Part C | part_c | 1964 | anti-rightist-campaign great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | reform-of-rightists-of-the-gansu-provincial-party-committee |
| 1964.07.18 | On several issues in reinforcing the work concerning Laogai | National Conference on the Laogai Work | Ideological remolding, Laogai, “Four Cleans” movement | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1964 | Part C | part_c | 1964 | ideological-remolding laogai four-cleans-movement | national-conference-on-the-laogai-work |
| 1964.08.11 | Approved with instructions by the CCP Central Committee: report by the Ministry of Public Security Party Group on the Sixth National Conference on Laogai Work | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Forced job placement, Laogai Conference, Laogai forms, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1964 | Part C | part_c | 1964 | forced-job-placement laogai-conference laogai-forms laogai-industry | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1964.08.29 | Summary report on the cleanup of inmates in the Jiabiangou Reeducation through labor Camp by CCP Lanzhou City Committee | CCP Lanzhou City Committee | Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1964 | Part C | part_c | 1964 | great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-lanzhou-city-committee |
| 1964.10.24 | Summary report by the United Front Work Department of the Qingyang Prefectural Party Committee on the cleanup of inmates in the Jiabiangou Reeducation through labor Camp | United Front Work Department of the Qingyang Prefectural Party Committee | Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1964 | Part C | part_c | 1964 | great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | united-front-work-department-of-the-qingyang-prefectural-party-committee |
| 1965.12.22 | Report for the Party Group of the Ministry of Public Security by the Eleventh Bureau of the Ministry on the national symposium of Laogai bureau chiefs (excerpts) | Eleventh bureau of the Ministry of Public Security | Ideological remolding, Laogai, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1965 | Part C | part_c | 1965 | ideological-remolding laogai political-work | eleventh-bureau-of-the-ministry-of-public-security |
| 1966.10.14 | Circular by the CCPCC on halting the release of convicts from reform-through-labor facilities during the Cultural Revolution | Ministry of Public Security | Cultural Revolution, Forced labor, Laogai, Prison, Reeducation through labor | Based on the original document | 1966 | Part C | part_c | 1966 | cultural-revolution forced-labor laogai prison reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1967.03.27 | Some opinions of the PLA Beijing Public Security Bureau Military Control Commission concerning the understanding of certain items in “ways to treat those who were sent back to their hometowns during the Cultural Revolution but have returned to Beijing” | PLA Beijing Public Security Bureau Military Control Commission | Cultural Revolution, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the original document | 1967 | Part C | part_c | 1967 | cultural-revolution reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | pla-beijing-public-security-bureau-military-control-commission |
| 1972.01.08 | Circular by the Ministry of Public Security forbidding prisoners still serving sentences, personnel being reformed through labor, and former labor camp inmates to be employed for production work and other duties in state agencies | Ministry of Public Security | Cultural Revolution, Forced labor, Laogai, Prison, Reeducation through labor | Based on the original document | 1972 | Part C | part_c | 1972 | cultural-revolution forced-labor laogai prison reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1972.12.18 | Summary of the Seventh National Conference on Laogai Work | National Conference on Laogai Work | Forced job placement, Laogai Conference, Laogai forms, Laogai industry | Based on the original document | 1972 | Part C | part_c | 1972 | forced-job-placement laogai-conference laogai-forms laogai-industry | national-conference-on-laogai-work |
| 1978.04.00 | Suggestions by the Beijing Municipal People’s Court about re-examining all current counterrevolutionary cases prosecuted during the Cultural Revolution | Beijing Municipal People’s Court | Cultural Revolution, Reexamination and reinstatement, Verdict | Based on the original document | 1978 | Part C | part_c | 1978 | cultural-revolution reexamination-and-reinstatement verdict | beijing-municipal-peoples-court |
| 1979.08.14 | Report by the Eleventh Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security on the symposium concerning the Laogai work facilities’ opening up to visitors | Eleventh bureau of the Ministry of Public Security | Laogai, Open to foreigners | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1979 | Part C | part_c | 1979 | laogai open-to-foreigners | eleventh-bureau-of-the-ministry-of-public-security |
| 1980.02.29 | State Council circular pronouncing the decision to put forced labor and detention for investigation under the management of corrections through labor | State Council (SC) | Law and Rules, Organizational system, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1980 | Part C | part_c | 1980 | law-and-rules organizational-system reeducation-through-labor | state-council-sc |
| 1980.05.24 | Summary of the Ministry of Public Security symposium concerning production by Laogai farms | Ministry of Public Security | Forced job placement, Laogai Conference, Laogai forms | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1980 | Part C | part_c | 1980 | forced-job-placement laogai-conference laogai-forms | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1980.05.29 | Summary of the symposium on rectifying management of Laogai facilities in machine industry | Symposium on rectifying management of Laogai facilities in machine industry | Laogai Conference, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1980 | Part C | part_c | 1980 | laogai-conference laogai-industry | symposium-on-rectifying-management-of-laogai-facilities-in-machine-industry |
| 1980.09.15 | Transmitted with instructions by the State Council: report by the State Council Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and the Ministry of Public Security concerning the job assignments at the same Laogai (reform-through-labor) facilities for those returned overseas Chinese who have completed their prison terms and reform-through-labor terms | State Council (SC) | Forced job placement, Law and Rules, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1980 | Part C | part_c | 1980 | forced-job-placement law-and-rules reeducation-through-labor | state-council-sc |
| 1981.04.04 | Circular by the State Council transmitting the report by the Ministry of Public Security concerning the folding of Laogai work units in all areas | State Council (SC) | Cultural Revolution, Laogai site, Organizational system | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1981 | Part C | part_c | 1981 | cultural-revolution laogai-site organizational-system | state-council-sc |
| 1981.06.04 | Circular by the Ministry of Public Security transmitting the report by the Eleventh Bureau of the Ministry about the symposium on preventing prisoner escape | Ministry of Public Security | Escaped criminals, Laogai, Prison, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1981 | Part C | part_c | 1981 | escaped-criminals laogai prison public-security | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1981.06.10 | Decision by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee concerning the policies for those subject to Laogai or Reeducation through labor who either escaped or committed new crimes | National People’s Congress Standing Committee | Escaped criminals, Law and Rules | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1981 | Part C | part_c | 1981 | escaped-criminals law-and-rules | national-peoples-congress-standing-committee |
| 1981.09.09 | Summary of the Eighth National Conference on Laogai Work | National Conference on Laogai Work | Cultural Revolution, Ideological remolding, Laogai Conference | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1981 | Part C | part_c | 1981 | cultural-revolution ideological-remolding laogai-conference | national-conference-on-laogai-work |
| 1981.12.11 | Transmitted via the General Offices of CCP CC and SC: Summary of the Eighth National Conference on Laogai Work | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) General Office and State Council General Office | Cultural Revolution, Ideological remolding, Laogai Conference | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1981 | Part C | part_c | 1981 | cultural-revolution ideological-remolding laogai-conference | party-central-committee-ccpcc-general-office-and-state-council-general-office |
| 1982.02.18 | Specific work rules for law enforcement personnel in charge of prisons and Laogai facilities (trial version) | Ministry of Public Security | Laogai site, Law and Rules, Prison, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1982 | Part C | part_c | 1982 | laogai-site law-and-rules prison public-security | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1982.02.18 | Hygiene regulations concerning prison inmates (trial version) | Ministry of Public Security | Hygiene regulations, Prison, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1982 | Part C | part_c | 1982 | hygiene-regulations prison public-security | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1983.03.18 | Supplementary notice by the State Council concerning work arrangements for the former Kuomintang personnel below county head and regiment commander level after they are released or demobilized | State Council (SC) | Forced job placement, United front work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part C | part_c | 1983 | forced-job-placement united-front-work | state-council-sc |
| 1983.05.05 | Circular jointly issued by, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Labor and Human Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery, and Animal Husbandry, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Commerce concerning the work of residence registration and employment arrangements for those released from prison after serving their sentences | Ministry of Public Security | Forced job placement, Released prisoner | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part C | part_c | 1983 | forced-job-placement released-prisoner | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1983.06.13 | Circular by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice concerning some specific issues about the handing over of the Laogai and Reeducation through labor work | Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice | Law and Rules, Organizational system, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part C | part_c | 1983 | law-and-rules organizational-system reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-public-security-and-the-ministry-of-justice |
| 1983.06.19 | Regulations by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice concerning the implementation of the Central Committee’s decision to hand over the Laogai and Reeducation through labor work to judicial organs | Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice | Law and Rules, Organizational system, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part C | part_c | 1983 | law-and-rules organizational-system reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-public-security-and-the-ministry-of-justice |
| 1983.07.11 | Circular by the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Finance concerning a number of requirements in financial matters in the procedure of handing over the Laogai and Reeducation through labor work to judicial organs | Ministry of Public Security. Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Finance | Law and Rules, Organizational system, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part C | part_c | 1983 | law-and-rules organizational-system reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-public-security-ministry-of-justice-and-ministry-of-finance |
| 1983.08.27 | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work, Volume 1, Masses Press, 1989. | Ministry of Justice | Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part C | part_c | 1983 | reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ministry-of-justice |
| 1984.03.03 | Answers by the Supreme People’s Court and three other departments regarding the questions about applications of the law to the violations committed by those undergoing Laogai and Reeducation through labor | Supreme People’s Court and three other departments | Court, Laogai, Law and Rules, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1984 | Part C | part_c | 1984 | court laogai law-and-rules reeducation-through-labor | supreme-peoples-court-and-three-other-departments |
| 1984.05.18 | Summary of the administrative meeting of the Central Committee’s finance and economy leading group | Central Committee’s finance and economy leading group | Laogai industry, Laogai site, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1984 | Part C | part_c | 1984 | laogai-industry laogai-site reeducation-through-labor | central-committees-finance-and-economy-leading-group |
| 1984.07.16 | Circular by the State Council General Office on well-managing the work of residence registration and employment arrangements for those released from prison after serving their sentences | State Council General Office | Forced job placement, Released prisoner | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1984 | Part C | part_c | 1984 | forced-job-placement released-prisoner | state-council-general-office |
| 1984.09.20 | Report by the Central Judicial and Public Security Committee summarizing the first phase of the campaign to crack down on major criminal activities and planning for the second phase (excerpts) | Central Committee’s judicial and public security committee | Laogai, Public Security, Reeducation through labor, Strike hard at crimes | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1984 | Part C | part_c | 1984 | laogai public-security reeducation-through-labor strike-hard-at-crimes | central-committees-judicial-and-public-security-committee |
| 1984.11.26 | Report by the CCP Justice Department Party Group requesting examination by the Central Committee’s judicial and public security committee of the “report concerning several issues in reinforcing and reforming judicial management” (excerpts) | Ministry of Justice | Juvenile delinquent, Public Security, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1984 | Part C | part_c | 1984 | juvenile-delinquent public-security reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-justice |
| 1986.01.07 | Report by the CCP Justice Department Party Group requesting examination by the Central Committee’s judicial and public security committee of the “report concerning several issues in reinforcing and reforming judicial management” (excerpts) | Ministry of Justice | Juvenile delinquent, Public Security, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1986 | Part C | part_c | 1986 | juvenile-delinquent public-security reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-justice |
| 1987.07.10 | Circular by the CCP Shanxi Provincial Committee general office transmitting a document by the Higher People’s Court Party Group in policy implementation | Ministry of Justice | Juvenile delinquent, Public Security, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1987 | Part C | part_c | 1987 | juvenile-delinquent public-security reeducation-through-labor | ministry-of-justice |
| 1994.12.29 | Prison Law of the People’s Republic of China | Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress | Law and Rules, Prison | Based on the original document | 1994 | Part C | part_c | 1994 | law-and-rules prison | standing-committee-of-the-national-peoples-congress |
| 1950.12.28 | Order by the Government Administrative Council on controlling U.S. properties and freezing U.S. bank accounts in China | Government Administrative Council | Class enemies, Foreign relation | Based on the original document | 1950 | Part A | part_a | 1950 | class-enemies foreign-relation | government-administrative-council |
| 1951.02.21 | The rules of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for punishing counterrevolutionaries | Central Government | Law and Rules, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Based on the original document | 1951 | Part A | part_a | 1951 | law-and-rules suppress-counter-revolutionaries | central-government |
| 1951.04.27 | CCP CC Southwest Bureau instructions regarding Chairman Mao’s directive on the ratio of executions | CCP CC Southwest Bureau | Killing ratio, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Based on the original document | 1951 | Part A | part_a | 1951 | killing-ratio suppress-counter-revolutionaries | ccp-cc-southwest-bureau |
| 1951.05.08 | CCP CC decision on sentencing most counterrevolutionaries who committed capital offenses to death with a two-year reprieve | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Death sentence, Forced labor, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Based on the original document | 1951 | Part A | part_a | 1951 | death-sentence forced-labor suppress-counter-revolutionaries | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1951.09.17 | CCP CC directive, with an attachment, on implementing the resolution of the Fourth National Conference on Public Security | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Conference of Public Security, Forced labor, Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Based on the original document | 1951 | Part A | part_a | 1951 | conference-of-public-security forced-labor laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1952.10.23 | CCP CC directive regarding the fifth National Conference on Public Security, with the full text of the resolution | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Conference of Public Security, Forced labor, Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1952 | Part A | part_a | 1952 | conference-of-public-security forced-labor laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1953.01.11 | With the consent of the CCP CC: report by Comrades Bo Yibo and Luo Ruiqing on the first session of the Central Committee’s Laogai Production Management Commit | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Forced labor, Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Based on the original document | 1953 | Part A | part_a | 1953 | forced-labor laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1953.10.16 | Order by the Government Administration Council of the Central People’s Government on the planned purchase and supply of grain | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | State monopoly for purchasing and selling of agricultural products | Based on the original document | 1953 | Part A | part_a | 1953 | state-monopoly-for-purchasing-and-selling-of-agricultural-products | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1954.03.04 | Suggestions of the Central Finance Commission on taking steps to transform capitalist enterprises with 10 or more employees into essentially joint state-private enterprises | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commence | Based on the original document | 1954 | Part A | part_a | 1954 | socialist-transformation-of-capitalist-industry-and-commence | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1954.05.00 | Approved with instructions by the CCP Central Committee: report by the Ministry of Public Security Party Group on the Second National Conference on the Laogai Work and the resolution of the Second National Conference on the Laogai Work | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Laogai Conference, Laogai industry | Based on the original document | 1954 | Part A | part_a | 1954 | laogai-conference laogai-industry | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1954.07.06 | CCP CC directive approving three documents including the resolution of the Sixth National Conference on Public Security | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Laogai Conference, Laogai industry | Based on the original document | 1954 | Part A | part_a | 1954 | laogai-conference laogai-industry | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1954.07.09 | Report by the Party Group of the Ministry of Public Security to the CCP CC in the wake of the Sixth National Conference on Public Security | Ministry of Public Security | Conference of Public Security, Public Security | Based on the original document | 1954 | Part A | part_a | 1954 | conference-of-public-security public-security | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1955.01.26 | Issued with CCP CC instructions: “Report on the Campaign to Criticize the Ideas of Hu Feng” by the CCP CC Propaganda Department | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Counter-revolutionary clique, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Intellectuals | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1955 | Part A | part_a | 1955 | counter-revolutionary-clique eliminate-counter-revolutionaries intellectuals | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1955.02.19 | CCP CC directive approving the “Public Security Work Plan for 1955” by the Ministry of Public Security | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Impact from Soviet Union, Laogai industry, Public Security | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1955 | Part A | part_a | 1955 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries impact-from-soviet-union laogai-industry public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1955.04.00 | CCP CC directive on carrying out organization rectification among elementary school and middle school teachers and staff members | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1955 | Part A | part_a | 1955 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1955.05.00 | CCP CC directive stating that the entire party must further heighten vigilance and intensify the struggle against counterrevolutionaries and other criminals | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1955 | Part A | part_a | 1955 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1955.08.13 | Specific plan for arresting counterrevolutionaries and other types of criminals throughout the country in 1955 | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Plan for arresting, Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1955 | Part A | part_a | 1955 | plan-for-arresting public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1955.08.13 | Outline of the plan for arresting counterrevolutionaries and other types of criminals throughout the country for the period from 1955 to 1958 | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Plan for arresting, Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1955 | Part A | part_a | 1955 | plan-for-arresting public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1955.08.25 | CCP CC directive on thoroughly purging hidden counterrevolutionaries | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1955 | Part A | part_a | 1955 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1955.10.26 | CCP CC directive on carrying out the Campaign for Purging Counterrevolutionaries in the democratic parties and other agencies | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Democratic parties, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1955 | Part A | part_a | 1955 | democratic-parties eliminate-counter-revolutionaries | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1955.12.25 | Transmitted by the CCP CC: Report by the Religious Work Commission on fighting hidden counterrevolutionaries in “places for Christian gatherings” | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Religion | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1955 | Part A | part_a | 1955 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security religion | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1956.01.00 | Approved by the CCP Central Committee: report by the Ministry of Public Security Party Group on the Third National Conference on the Laogai Work | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Laogai Conference, Laogai industry | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | laogai-conference laogai-industry | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1956.01.00 | Transmitted with instructions by the CCP Central Committee Ten-person Group: report by the CCP Jiangsu Provincial Committee Ten-person Group on the work of case-determination and re-examination | CCP Central Committee Ten-person Group | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Reexamination and reinstatement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security reexamination-and-reinstatement | ccp-central-committee-ten-person-group |
| 1956.01.06 | CCP CC directive on the handling of the confessions by counterrevolutionaries and various other types of criminals | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security theory-and-policy | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1956.01.10 | Comprehensive plan of the CCP Shandong Provincial Committee for completing the Campaign for Purging Hidden Counterrevolutionaries during this year and next year | CCP Shandong Provincial Committee | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security theory-and-policy | ccp-shandong-provincial-committee |
| 1956.01.17 | Issued with CCP CC instructions: “Report on the Recent Situation in the Transformation of Capitalist Industry and Commerce” by the CCP Beijing Municipal Committee | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commence | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | socialist-transformation-of-capitalist-industry-and-commence | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1956.02.24 | Resolution of the CCP CC concerning the transformation of capitalist industrial and commercial enterprises | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commence, United front work | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | socialist-transformation-of-capitalist-industry-and-commence united-front-work | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1956.03.10 | Issued with the approval of the CCP CC: Provisional rules by the CCP CC Ten-person Group on the definition of counterrevolutionaries and other bad elements and policies for handling them | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security theory-and-policy | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1956.04.28 | Rules by the CCP CC on policies regarding the arrest of counterrevolutionaries and other criminals (draft) | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security theory-and-policy | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1956.05.00 | Transmitted by the CCP Central Committee Ten-person Group: report by the CCP Sichuan Provincial Committee Five-person Group on convicting eleven counterrevolutionaries with public trial | CCP Central Committee Ten-person Group | Death sentence, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | death-sentence eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security | ccp-central-committee-ten-person-group |
| 1956.09.06 | Reply by the CCP CC Ten-person Group regarding the request for instructions from the Five-person Group of the CCP Liaoning Provincial Committee concerning Reeducation through labor | CCP Central Committee Ten-person Group | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Reeducation through labor | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries reeducation-through-labor | ccp-central-committee-ten-person-group |
| 1956.11.16 | Resolution of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee on according lenient treatment and employment to remnant counterrevolutionaries in urban areas | National People’s Congress Standing Committee | Public Security, Theory and policy | From People's Daily. | 1956 | Part A | part_a | 1956 | public-security theory-and-policy | national-peoples-congress-standing-committee |
| 1957.01.11 | Comments by the CCP CC on the report to the CCP CC by CCP CC Ten-person Group regarding the current situation of the campaign to eliminate counterrevolutionaries and the work plan for 1957 | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security theory-and-policy | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.02.05 | Public bulletin by the CCP CC Ten-person Group regarding the issue of eliminating counterrevolutionaries in democratic parties, All China Association of Industry and Commerce, and other agencies | CCP Central Committee Ten-person Group | Democratic parties, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | democratic-parties eliminate-counter-revolutionaries | ccp-central-committee-ten-person-group |
| 1957.02.12 | Instructions by the CCP CC approving the documents of the Eighth National Conference on Public Security | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Conference of Public Security, Laogai, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | conference-of-public-security laogai public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.06.08 | Directives of the CCP CC on getting organized and prepared to launch a counterattack against the Rightists | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.06.10 | Directives of the CCP CC concerning the steps and policies for the struggle against the Rightists | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Democratic parties, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign democratic-parties school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.06.14 | CCP CC resolution on administering disciplinary measures against Party cadres for the deaths caused by the famine in Guangxi | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | People's Daily. June 18 1957. | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.07.09 | Circular by the CCP CC on criticizing core members of the Rightist camp by name and organizing counterattacks against Rightists among scientists | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Democratic parties, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign democratic-parties school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.07.16 | Circular by the CCP CC concerning disciplinary measures for this year’s college graduates with serious anti-socialist activities and views | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.08.01 | Directives of the CCP CC on intensifying the campaign against the Rightists | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign theory-and-policy | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.09.02 | Directives of the CCP CC on taking seriously the cases of the Rightists within the party | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Party cliques, Anti-Rightist Campaign, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-party-cliques anti-rightist-campaign theory-and-policy | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.10.15 | Circular of the CCP CC about the criteria for naming Rightists | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign theory-and-policy | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.10.28 | Transmitted with instructions by the CCP CC: report by the Ministry of Public Security Party Group on the national symposium of public security bureau chiefs; summary speech by Comrade Luo Ruiqing at the national symposium of public security bureau chiefs | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Laogai industry, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign laogai-industry public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.12.00 | Measures of punishment by the CCP Beijing Municipal Committee on several Rightists (a total of 18 people) | CCP Beijing Municipal Committee | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Democratic parties, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign democratic-parties school-and-college | ccp-beijing-municipal-committee |
| 1957.12.00 | Suggestions by the CCP CC United Front Work Department about measures of punishment for the Rightists among democratic personages | CCP CC United Front Work Department | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Democratic parties, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign democratic-parties school-and-college | ccp-cc-united-front-work-department |
| 1957.12.08 | Report to the CCP CC by the CCP CC Propaganda Department regarding the measures of punishment for the well-known Rightists in the areas of literature, arts, news reporting and publishing | CCP CC Propaganda Department | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Democratic parties, Intellectuals | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign democratic-parties intellectuals | ccp-cc-propaganda-department |
| 1957.12.12 | CCP CC document on disciplinary measures for the Rightists among state employees, members of democratic parties, and college students | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Democratic parties, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign democratic-parties school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1957.12.15 | CCP Beijing Municipal Committee document on disciplinary measures for the Rightists among college faculty and students | CCP Beijing Municipal Committee | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Democratic parties, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part A | part_a | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign democratic-parties school-and-college | ccp-beijing-municipal-committee |
| 1958.01.13 | Rules of the CCP CC and the SC regarding the policies for the Rightists among salary-earning state workers and college students | Party Central Committee (CCPCC), State Council (SC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Intellectuals, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | anti-rightist-campaign intellectuals school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc state-council-sc |
| 1958.01.29 | Directive by the CCP CC on the percentage for each category of Rightists among college students | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | anti-rightist-campaign school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1958.01.31 | Circular by the CCP CC transmitting “preliminary suggestions regarding disciplinary measures for some Rightists” | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Democratic parties, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | anti-rightist-campaign democratic-parties school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1958.03.28 | Directive by the CCP CC on disciplinary measures for the Rightists, counterrevolutionaries, and other bad elements among elementary and middle and high school teachers | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Intellectuals, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | anti-rightist-campaign intellectuals school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1958.04.15 | Comments of the CCP Beijing Municipal Committee on the report by the Peking University Party Committee about thought reform among professors during the Campaign against Waste and Conservatism | CCP Beijing Municipal Committee | Ideological remolding, Intellectuals, School and college | From Important Document of the CCP's Beijing Municipal Committee | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | ideological-remolding intellectuals school-and-college | ccp-beijing-municipal-committee |
| 1958.06.24 | Transmitted by the CCP CC: issued with instructions by Chairman Mao: directive of the CCP Qinghai Provincial Committee on suppressing rebellions in the entire province | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Insurrection, Minority, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | insurrection minority violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1958.06.26 | Comments by the CCP Beijing Municipal Committee: report by the Municipal Public Security Bureau Party Group about a plan for safeguarding the capital’s Great Leap Forward in socialist construction | CCP Beijing Municipal Committee | Great Leap Forward, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | great-leap-forward public-security | ccp-beijing-municipal-committee |
| 1958.07.00 | Work outline by the CCP CC United Front Work Department on reforming bourgeois intellectuals | CCP CC United Front Work Department | Socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commence, United front work | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | socialist-transformation-of-capitalist-industry-and-commence united-front-work | ccp-cc-united-front-work-department |
| 1958.08.29 | Resolution by the CCP CC on establishing people’s communes in rural areas | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Great Leap Forward, Propaganda | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | great-leap-forward propaganda | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1958.11.18 | Examination by the CCP Yunnan Provincial Committee of edema-induced deaths, in accordance with the spirit of the Zhengzhou conference | CCP Yunnan Provincial Committee | Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-yunnan-provincial-committee |
| 1958.12.08 | Comments by the CCP CC on the report by the CCP Guizhou Provincial Committee on the handling of the anti-Party clique incident in Xingyi County | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part A | part_a | 1958 | great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1959.01.22 | Comments by the CCP CC on the examination report by the CCP Shandong Provincial Committee and the Shandong Provincial Government regarding the problems of (residents in) Taoguan County ending the practice of communal kitchens and fleeing from the famine | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Great Famine, Refugee, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1959 | Part A | part_a | 1959 | great-famine refugee violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1959.03.11 | Urgent circular by the CCP CC and the SC on stopping the blind outflow of the rural labor force | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Great Famine, Refugee, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1959 | Part A | part_a | 1959 | great-famine refugee violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1959.03.12 | Reply by the CCP CC to the Tibet Work Commission on policies countering the rebellion of the reactionary Tibetan upper class | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Insurrection, Minority, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1959 | Part A | part_a | 1959 | insurrection minority violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1959.07.15 | Report by the CCP Gansu Provincial Committee on the food problem | CCP Gansu Provincial Committee | Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1959 | Part A | part_a | 1959 | great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-gansu-provincial-committee |
| 1959.07.30 | Comprehensive report by the CCP Yunnan Provincial Committee General Office on the edema epidemic throughout the province | CCP Yunnan Provincial Committee General Office | Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1959 | Part A | part_a | 1959 | great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-yunnan-provincial-committee-general-office |
| 1959.08.16 | Resolution of the Eighth Plenum of the Eighth CCP Central Committee: fight to defend the General Line of the Party and to oppose Right opportunism | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Campaign against Right-deviating opportunism, Great Famine | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1959 | Part A | part_a | 1959 | campaign-against-right-deviating-opportunism great-famine | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1959.08.16 | Resolution of the Eighth Plenum of the Eighth CCP Congress on the wrongdoings of the Anti-Party Clique led by Comrade Peng Dehuai | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Party cliques, Campaign against Right-deviating opportunism, Great Famine | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1959 | Part A | part_a | 1959 | anti-party-cliques campaign-against-right-deviating-opportunism great-famine | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1959.11.27 | Approval by the CCP CC of the criteria and measures by the CMC General Political Department for identifying and handling Right opportunists | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Campaign against Right-deviating opportunism | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1959 | Part A | part_a | 1959 | campaign-against-right-deviating-opportunism | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1960.01.06 | Issued with instructions by the CCP CC: directive by the CCP Beijing Municipal Committee concerning a report on the uncovering on college campuses of a group of experts with Party memberships whose minds are severely infected with bourgeois ideology | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Ideological remolding, Intellectuals, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1960 | Part A | part_a | 1960 | ideological-remolding intellectuals school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1960.01.15 | Approval by the CCP CC of the report by the CCP Committee of Organizations Directly Affiliated with the Central Committee and the CCP Committee of the central government agencies on handling the cases of those comrades who made mistakes during the rectification campaign against Right deviation, and on the criteria and measures for identifying and disciplining Right-leaning opportunists | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Campaign against Right-deviating opportunism | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1960 | Part A | part_a | 1960 | campaign-against-right-deviating-opportunism | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1960.04.08 | Approval by the CCP CC of the report by the Ministry of Public Security Party Group on the Tenth National Conference on Public Security | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Class enemies, Conference of Public Security, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1960 | Part A | part_a | 1960 | class-enemies conference-of-public-security public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1960.04.21 | Issued with instructions by the CCP CC: report by the CCP Gansu Provincial Committee on the complete corruption of the CCP Tongwei County Committee | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Party cliques, Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1960 | Part A | part_a | 1960 | anti-party-cliques great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1960.07.11 | Summary report by the Ten-person Group of the CCP CC on the Campaign for Purging Hidden Counterrevolutionaries | CCP Central Committee Ten-person Group | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Reeducation through labor, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1960 | Part A | part_a | 1960 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries reeducation-through-labor theory-and-policy | ccp-central-committee-ten-person-group |
| 1960.12.08 | Directive of the CCP CC on the serious situation in certain regions of Shandong, Henan, Gansu, and Guizhou | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1960 | Part A | part_a | 1960 | great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1960.12.20 | Examination report by the CCP Sichuan Provincial Committee Supervisory Commission on living conditions, illnesses, and deaths in Zizhong County | CCP Sichuan Provincial Committee Supervisory Commission | Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1960 | Part A | part_a | 1960 | great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-sichuan-provincial-committee-supervisory-commission |
| 1960.12.28 | Urgent circular by the CCP Hebei Provincial Committee on identifying and ending deaths | CCP Hebei Provincial Committee | Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1960 | Part A | part_a | 1960 | great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-hebei-provincial-committee |
| 1960.12.31 | Transmitted by the CCP CC Central South Bureau: Comments by Chairman Mao on the report by the CCP Xinyang Prefectural Committee on the rectification movement, production, and disaster relief | CCP CC Central South Burea | Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1960 | Part A | part_a | 1960 | great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-cc-central-south-burea |
| 1961.03.17 | Supplementary regulations the Eleventh National Conference on Public Security regarding ten policy issues in public security work | National Conference on Public Security | Conference of Public Security, Laogai site, Reeducation through labor | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1961 | Part A | part_a | 1961 | conference-of-public-security laogai-site reeducation-through-labor | national-conference-on-public-security |
| 1961.04.20 | With the approval of the CCP CC: three documents by the Public Security Ministry Party Group on the Eleventh National Conference on Public Security | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Conference of Public Security, Laogai site, Reeducation through labor | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1961 | Part A | part_a | 1961 | conference-of-public-security laogai-site reeducation-through-labor | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1961.04.26 | Transmitted by the CCP CC: investigation reports by Hu Qiaomu on the problem of the communal kitchen, with comments by Mao Zedong | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Canteen, Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1961 | Part A | part_a | 1961 | canteen great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1961.05.03 | Transmitted by the CCP CC General Office: report by the CCP Anhui Provincial Committee on trial implementation of labor contracts for fixed-yield quotas on a household basis | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) General Office | Farm output quota for individual household, Great Famine | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1961 | Part A | part_a | 1961 | farm-output-quota-for-individual-household great-famine | party-central-committee-ccpcc-general-office |
| 1961.05.26 | Transmitted by the CCP Gansu Provincial Committee: report by Comrade Wang Feng to the Chairman on issues such as the communal kitchens in rural areas and so forth | CCP Gansu Provincial Committee | Canteen, Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1961 | Part A | part_a | 1961 | canteen great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-gansu-provincial-committee |
| 1962.06.21 | Reply by the CCP CC to the CCP Guangdong Provincial Committee regarding the power of authorization for arrest, detainment, and execution | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1962 | Part A | part_a | 1962 | suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1962.11.03 | Suggestions by the Twelfth National Conference on Public Security about continuing to rectify and reinforce Laogai work | National Conference on Public Security | Conference of Public Security, Laogai industry, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1962 | Part A | part_a | 1962 | conference-of-public-security laogai-industry reeducation-through-labor | national-conference-on-public-security |
| 1963.01.14 | Circular by the CCP CC forbidding physical abuse during the Socialist Education Movement | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Violence and abnormal death, “Four Cleans” movement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1963 | Part A | part_a | 1963 | violence-and-abnormal-death four-cleans-movement | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1963.07.23 | Circular by the CCP CC and the SC on imposing disciplinary measures on political reactionaries among this year’s college graduates | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1963 | Part A | part_a | 1963 | anti-rightist-campaign school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1964.01.14 | Directive of the CCP CC on relying on the power of the masses, strengthening people’s democratic dictatorship, and reforming the majority of the elements of the Four Categories (landlords, rich peasants, counterrevolutionaries, and bad elements) into new | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Class enemies, “Four Cleans” movement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1964 | Part A | part_a | 1964 | class-enemies four-cleans-movement | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1964.01.31 | Issued with instruction from CCP CC Northwestern Bureau: report by the CCP Gansu Province Committee regarding issues of reeducated members through labor at Jiabiangou farm | CCP CC Northwestern Bureau | Great Famine, Reeducation through labor, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1964 | Part A | part_a | 1964 | great-famine reeducation-through-labor violence-and-abnormal-death | ccp-cc-northwestern-bureau |
| 1964.02.10 | Circular by the CCP CC and the SC on continuing the work of disciplining political reactionaries among college students | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Class enemies, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1964 | Part A | part_a | 1964 | anti-rightist-campaign class-enemies school-and-college | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1964.03.00 | Approved at the Thirteenth National Conference on Public Security: KThirteenth National Conference on Public Securityey points of public security work in 1964 (excerpts) | National Conference on Public Security | Conference of Public Security, Ideological remolding, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1964 | Part A | part_a | 1964 | conference-of-public-security ideological-remolding laogai-industry | national-conference-on-public-security |
| 1964.09.01 | Instructions by the CCP CC on transmitting the summary of a production brigade’s experience in the Socialist Education Movement | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Class enemies, Theory and policy, “Four Cleans” movement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1964 | Part A | part_a | 1964 | class-enemies theory-and-policy four-cleans-movement | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1964.12.28 | CCP CC circular regarding issuance of “Some Questions Raised in the Current Rural Socialist Education Movement” | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Class enemies, Theory and policy, “Four Cleans” movement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1964 | Part A | part_a | 1964 | class-enemies theory-and-policy four-cleans-movement | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1965.01.14 | Questions raised in the current Socialist Education Movement in rural areas | CCP CC Politburo | Class enemies, Theory and policy, “Four Cleans” movement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1965 | Part A | part_a | 1965 | class-enemies theory-and-policy four-cleans-movement | ccp-cc-politburo |
| 1965.07.09 | Post-conference report by the Ministry of Public Security Party Group concerning the Fourteenth National Conference on Public Security (excerpts) | Ministry of Public Security | Conference of Public Security, Ideological remolding | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1965 | Part A | part_a | 1965 | conference-of-public-security ideological-remolding | ministry-of-public-security |
| 1966.05.16 | CCP CC circular with the original appendix 2 | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Cultural Revolution, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1966 | Part A | part_a | 1966 | cultural-revolution theory-and-policy | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1966.09.03 | Written instructions from the CCP CC on four issues concerning relations between the masses and government public security agencies during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Cultural Revolution, Laogai site, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1966 | Part A | part_a | 1966 | cultural-revolution laogai-site public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1967.01.13 | Regulations of the CCP CC and the SC on strengthening public security work during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution | Party Central Committee (CCPCC), State Council (SC) | Cultural Revolution, Law and Rules, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1967 | Part A | part_a | 1967 | cultural-revolution law-and-rules public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc state-council-sc |
| 1967.01.17 | Circular of the CCP CC approving the proposal of the Ministry of Public Security that the Cultural Revolution be carried out in public-security agencies | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Cultural Revolution, Laogai site, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1967 | Part A | part_a | 1967 | cultural-revolution laogai-site public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1967.01.19 | Regulations of the CCP CC, the SC, and the CMC on protecting foodstuffs and goods depositories, prisons, etc. | Party Central Committee (CCPCC), State Council (SC) | Cultural Revolution, Prison, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1967 | Part A | part_a | 1967 | cultural-revolution prison public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc state-council-sc |
| 1967.03.18 | Transmitted by the CCP CC: public announcement of March 18 by the PLA Beijing Public Security Bureau Military Control Commission | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Cultural Revolution, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1967 | Part A | part_a | 1967 | cultural-revolution violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1967.10.26 | Regulations of the CCP CC prohibiting landlords, rich peasants, counterrevolutionaries, bad elements, and Rightists from seizing the chance to overturn their verdicts, with an appendix; | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Class enemies, Cultural Revolution | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1967 | Part A | part_a | 1967 | class-enemies cultural-revolution | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1967.12.09 | Resolution of the CCP CC, the SC, the CMC, and the CCRG on exercising military control at public security agencies | Party Central Committee (CCPCC), State Council (SC) | Cultural Revolution, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1967 | Part A | part_a | 1967 | cultural-revolution public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc state-council-sc |
| 1968.04.26 | Report by the Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region Revolutionary Committee on the treason case of the “Inner-Mongolia People’s Revolutionary Party” | Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region Revolutionary Committee | Cultural Revolution, Minority, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1968 | Part A | part_a | 1968 | cultural-revolution minority violence-and-abnormal-death | inner-mongolia-autonomous-region-revolutionary-committee |
| 1968.05.25 | Transmitted by the CCP CC and the CCRG: comments by Chairman Mao on the experience of the Beijing Xinhua Printing Factory Military Control Commission in mobilizing the masses to struggle against the enemy | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Cultural Revolution, Rectify class ranks, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1968 | Part A | part_a | 1968 | cultural-revolution rectify-class-ranks violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1968.06.17 | Bulletin by the Preparation Group of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Revolutionary Committee and the PLA Guangxi Military District on capturing the counterrevolutionary clique of the “Guangxi Regiment of the Republic of China Anti-Communist Salvation Army” | Preparation Group of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Revolutionary Committee. PLA Guangxi Military District | Cultural Revolution, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1968 | Part A | part_a | 1968 | cultural-revolution violence-and-abnormal-death | preparation-group-of-the-guangxi-zhuang-autonomous-region-revolutionary-committee-pla-guangxi-military-district |
| 1968.07.03 | Public announcement of the CCP CC, the SC, the CMC, and the CCRG | Party Central Committee (CCPCC), State Council (SC) | Cultural Revolution, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1968 | Part A | part_a | 1968 | cultural-revolution violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc state-council-sc |
| 1968.07.24 | Public announcement of the CCP CC, the SC, the CMC, and the CCRG | Party Central Committee (CCPCC), State Council (SC) | Cultural Revolution, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1968 | Part A | part_a | 1968 | cultural-revolution violence-and-abnormal-death | party-central-committee-ccpcc state-council-sc |
| 1970.01.31 | Instructions of the CCP CC on cracking down on counterrevolutionary destructive activities | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Cultural Revolution, One Strike and Three Antis | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1970 | Part A | part_a | 1970 | cultural-revolution one-strike-and-three-antis | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1971.02.08 | Resolution of the CCP CC to establish a joint special investigation group on the May 16 [Clique] case | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Cultural Revolution, Ferret out the May 16 clique | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1971 | Part A | part_a | 1971 | cultural-revolution ferret-out-the-may-16-clique | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1971.02.26 | Issued with instructions by the CCP CC: Summary of the Fifteenth National Conference on Public Security | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Conference of Public Security, Cultural Revolution, One Strike and Three Antis | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1971 | Part A | part_a | 1971 | conference-of-public-security cultural-revolution one-strike-and-three-antis | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1971.09.18 | Circular of the CCP CC on Lin Biao’s committing treason and fleeing the country | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Cultural Revolution, Lin Biao Clique | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1971 | Part A | part_a | 1971 | cultural-revolution lin-biao-clique | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1973.08.11 | Circular by the State Council and the Central Military Commission regarding the case of Huang Yantian and Li Yaodong raping and persecuting female educated youths | Central Military Commission (CMC), State Council (SC) | Cultural Revolution, Educated Youth | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1973 | Part A | part_a | 1973 | cultural-revolution educated-youth | central-military-commission-cmc state-council-sc |
| 1976.10.18 | Circular of the CCP CC on the Wang Hongwen, Zhang Chunqiao, Jiang Qing, and Yao Wenyuan Anti-Party Clique incident | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Cultural Revolution, Gang of Four | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1976 | Part A | part_a | 1976 | cultural-revolution gang-of-four | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1978.01.15 | Summary of the Seventeenth National Conference on Public Security (excerpts) | National Conference on Public Security | Conference of Public Security, Laogai | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1978 | Part A | part_a | 1978 | conference-of-public-security laogai | national-conference-on-public-security |
| 1978.04.05 | Circular of the CCP CC about the removal of the Rightist label for all | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Reexamination and reinstatement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1978 | Part A | part_a | 1978 | anti-rightist-campaign reexamination-and-reinstatement | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1978.10.02 | Transmitted with instructions by the CCP Central Committee: request for instructions by the CCP Beijing Municipal Committee regarding the current public security problem in the capital (excerpts) | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Forced job placement, Forced labor, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1978 | Part A | part_a | 1978 | forced-job-placement forced-labor public-security | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1978.12.29 | Response of the CCP CC to an instruction-requesting report by the leading party group of Supreme People’s Court on implementing the party’s policy and redressing the cases in which people were unjustly, falsely, or wrongly charged | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Cultural Revolution, Reexamination and reinstatement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1978 | Part A | part_a | 1978 | cultural-revolution reexamination-and-reinstatement | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1979.01.11 | Resolution of the CCP CC concerning the removal of class-status labels for landlords and rich peasants and the determination of class status for children of landlords and rich peasants | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Class enemies, Reexamination and reinstatement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1979 | Part A | part_a | 1979 | class-enemies reexamination-and-reinstatement | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1979.12.31 | Issued with instructions from the CCP CC: proposal by the Supreme People’s Court Leading Party Members Group concerning a number of issues crucial to the total realization of rehabilitating the unjust, false, and misjudged cases | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Class enemies, Reexamination and reinstatement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1979 | Part A | part_a | 1979 | class-enemies reexamination-and-reinstatement | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1981.12.11 | Transmitted by the CCP Central Committee General Office and the State Council General Office: summary of minutes of the Eighth National Conference on the Work Concerning Laogai | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) General Office, State Council General Office | Cultural Revolution, Laogai Conference, Youth | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1981 | Part A | part_a | 1981 | cultural-revolution laogai-conference youth | party-central-committee-ccpcc-general-office state-council-general-office |
| 1982.01.28 | Transmitted with instructions by the CCP Central Committee and the State Council: circular by the Ministry of Public Security concerning plans to release and place former Nationalist party, military, and intelligence personnel at or below the county-region | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Class enemies, Laogai, United front work | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1982 | Part A | part_a | 1982 | class-enemies laogai united-front-work | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1984.01.10 | Circular by the Central Committee’s judicial and public security committee about issuing speeches (trial version) made at the national conference on judicial and public security work (excerpts) | Central Committee’s judicial and public security committee | Forced job placement, Ideological remolding, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1984 | Part A | part_a | 1984 | forced-job-placement ideological-remolding reeducation-through-labor | central-committees-judicial-and-public-security-committee |
| 1983.05.09 | Circular by the CCP Central Committee transmitting two documents of the national public security work conference | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) | Conference of Public Security, Organizational system, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part A | part_a | 1983 | conference-of-public-security organizational-system reeducation-through-labor | party-central-committee-ccpcc |
| 1983.07.09 | From the General Office of the Party Central Committee to the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security: “A report for instruction concerning the removal of the political labels of current members in four categories” | Party Central Committee (CCPCC) General Office | Class enemies, Reexamination and reinstatement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1983 | Part A | part_a | 1983 | class-enemies reexamination-and-reinstatement | party-central-committee-ccpcc-general-office |
| 1983.11.18 | Report by the National Conference on Judicial and Public Security Work on the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decision to crack down on crimes, with suggestions for future work (excerpts) | National Conference on Judicial and Public Security Work | Laogai industry, Laogai site, Strike hard at crimes | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part A | part_a | 1983 | laogai-industry laogai-site strike-hard-at-crimes | national-conference-on-judicial-and-public-security-work |
| 1983.12.23 | Circular by the Central Committee’s judicial and public security committee about not handing down Laogai and laojiao (re-education through labor) work to the jurisdiction of county-level government | Central Committee’s judicial and public security committee | Ideological remolding, Organizational system, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part A | part_a | 1983 | ideological-remolding organizational-system reeducation-through-labor | central-committees-judicial-and-public-security-committee |
| 1987.03.14 | Comrade Zou Yu’s remarks at the national conference on Laogai and re-education through labor economic planning (excerpts) | Zou Yu | Forced job placement, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1987 | Part B | part_b | 1987 | forced-job-placement laogai-industry | zou-yu |
| 1987.03.14 | Comrade Gu Qiliang’s remarks at the closing session of the national conference on Laogai and re-education through labor economic planning (excerpts) | Gu Qiliang | Financial management, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1987 | Part B | part_b | 1987 | financial-management laogai-industry | gu-qiliang |
| 1986.01.12 | Comrade Gu Qiliang’s remarks at the National Conference on Laogai and Re-education through labor Work | Gu Qiliang | Laogai industry, Laogai school, Strike hard at crimes | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1986 | Part B | part_b | 1986 | laogai-industry laogai-school strike-hard-at-crimes | gu-qiliang |
| 1986.10.18 | Comreade Gu Qiliang’s remarks at the national conference on investigation work inside prisons (excerpts) | Gu Qiliang | Prison, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1986 | Part B | part_b | 1986 | prison public-security | gu-qiliang |
| 1986.08.19 | Comreade Gu Qiliang’s remarks at the closing session of the national conference on Laogai and re-education through labor industrial production (excerpts) | Gu Qiliang | Laogai industry, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1986 | Part B | part_b | 1986 | laogai-industry political-work | gu-qiliang |
| 1986.08.14 | Comreade Gu Qiliang’s remarks at the national conference on Laogai and re-education through labor industrial production (excerpts) | Gu Qiliang | Laogai industry, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1986 | Part B | part_b | 1986 | laogai-industry political-work | gu-qiliang |
| 1986.04.11 | Comreade Gu Qiliang’s remarks at the closing session of the nation conference on Laogai and re-education through labor work planning (excerpts) | Gu Qiliang | Laogai industry, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1986 | Part B | part_b | 1986 | laogai-industry political-work | gu-qiliang |
| 1986.04.05 | Comreade Gu Qiliang’s remarks at the national conference on Laogai and re-education through labor work planning (excerpts) | Gu Qiliang | Laogai industry, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1986 | Part B | part_b | 1986 | laogai-industry political-work | gu-qiliang |
| 1986.02.22 | Outline of Comrade Qiao Shi’s remarks at the National Conference on Judicial and Public Security Work (excerpts) | Qiao Shi | Forced job placement, Ideological remolding | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1986 | Part B | part_b | 1986 | forced-job-placement ideological-remolding | qiao-shi |
| 1986.02.05 | Comrade Zou Yu’s remarks at the National Conference on Laogai and re-education through labor Work | Zou Yu | Laogai industry, Laogai school, Strike hard at crimes | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1986 | Part B | part_b | 1986 | laogai-industry laogai-school strike-hard-at-crimes | zou-yu |
| 1985.11.06 | Comreade Gu Qiliang’s remarks at the second national conference on juvenile correctional work (excerpts) | Gu Qiliang | Juvenile delinquent, Sheltering for investigation, Youth | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1985 | Part B | part_b | 1985 | juvenile-delinquent sheltering-for-investigation youth | gu-qiliang |
| 1985.06.28 | Comrade Zou Yu’s remarks at the national conference for exchanging experiences in managing special schools at Laogai (reform through labor) facilities | Zou Yu | Laogai industry, Laogai school, Youth | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1985 | Part B | part_b | 1985 | laogai-industry laogai-school youth | zou-yu |
| 1985.01.30 | Comrade Zou Yu’s remarks at the national conference of judicial bureau chiefs (excerpts) | Zou Yu | Laogai industry, Political work, Youth | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1985 | Part B | part_b | 1985 | laogai-industry political-work youth | zou-yu |
| 1985.01.21 | Comrade Chen Pixian’s remarks at the National Conference on Judicial and Public Security Work | Chen Pixian | Laogai industry, Political work, Youth | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1985 | Part B | part_b | 1985 | laogai-industry political-work youth | chen-pixian |
| 1984.08.28 | Remarks by Comrade Liu Fuzhi, of the Central Committee’s judicial and public security committee, at the national conference on judicial management (excerpts) | Liu Fuzhi | Organizational system, Sheltering for investigation | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1984 | Part B | part_b | 1984 | organizational-system sheltering-for-investigation | liu-fuzhi |
| 1984.08.20 | Comrade Zou Yu’s speech at the national conference on judicial management (excerpts) | Zou Yu | Laogai industry, Organizational system | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1984 | Part B | part_b | 1984 | laogai-industry organizational-system | zou-yu |
| 1984.07.09 | Comrade Zou Yu’s remarks at the National Conference on Laogai and Re-education through labor Work | Zou Yu | Laogai industry, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1984 | Part B | part_b | 1984 | laogai-industry political-work | zou-yu |
| 1984.06.28 | Comrade Li Shisheng’s remarks at the National Conference on Laogai and Re-education through labor Work | Li Shisheng | Laogai site, Public Security, Strike hard at crimes | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1984 | Part B | part_b | 1984 | laogai-site public-security strike-hard-at-crimes | li-shisheng |
| 1984.01.12 | Comrade Li Shisheng’s remarks at the National Conference on Laogai and Re-education through labor Work | Li Shisheng | Laogai site, Public Security, Strike hard at crimes | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1984 | Part B | part_b | 1984 | laogai-site public-security strike-hard-at-crimes | li-shisheng |
| 1983.12.28 | Comrade Zou Yu’s remarks at the Xinxiang, Henan, symposium of justice department heads and Laogai (reform through labor) bureau chiefs from the provinces of Hebei, Shandong, and Henan (excerpts) | Zou Yu | Political work, Public Security, Strike hard at crimes | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1983 | Part B | part_b | 1983 | political-work public-security strike-hard-at-crimes | zou-yu |
| 1983.11.15 | Comrade Zou Yu’s remarks at the national conference of judicial bureau chiefs (excerpts) | Zou Yu | Laogai site, Reeducation through labor, Strike hard at crimes | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part B | part_b | 1983 | laogai-site reeducation-through-labor strike-hard-at-crimes | zou-yu |
| 1983.11.15 | Comrade Li Shisheng’s remarks at the national conference of judicial bureau chiefs | Li Shisheng | Laogai site, Reeducation through labor, Strike hard at crimes | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part B | part_b | 1983 | laogai-site reeducation-through-labor strike-hard-at-crimes | li-shisheng |
| 1983.11.13 | Comrade Chen Pixian’s concluding remarks at the National Conference on Judicial and Public Security Work (excerpts) | Chen Pixian | Laogai site, Reeducation through labor, Strike hard at crimes | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part B | part_b | 1983 | laogai-site reeducation-through-labor strike-hard-at-crimes | chen-pixian |
| 1983.11.08 | Comrade Chen Pixian’s remarks at the National Conference on Judicial and Public Security Work (excerpts) | Chen Pixian | Public Security, Strike hard at crimes, Youth | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part B | part_b | 1983 | public-security strike-hard-at-crimes youth | chen-pixian |
| 1983.09.26 | Comrade Li Shisheng’s concluding remarks at the national conference of Laogai and re-education through labor bureau and section chiefs | Li Shisheng | Death sentence, Organizational system, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1983 | Part B | part_b | 1983 | death-sentence organizational-system public-security | li-shisheng |
| 1983.09.22 | Comrade Li Shisheng’s remarks at the national conference of Laogai and re-education through labor bureau and section chiefs (summary) | Li Shisheng | Organizational system, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1983 | Part B | part_b | 1983 | organizational-system public-security | li-shisheng |
| 1983.04.21 | Comrade Chen Pixian’s talks about reinforcing and reforming judicial and public security work (excerpts) | Chen Pixian | Organizational system, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1983 | Part B | part_b | 1983 | organizational-system public-security | chen-pixian |
| 1983.01.15 | Comrade Jiang Duanfang’s remarks at the symposium of fourteen-province Laogai bureau chiefs and labor bureau and section chiefs (excerpts) | Jiang Duanfang | Forced job placement, Ideological remolding | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1983 | Part B | part_b | 1983 | forced-job-placement ideological-remolding | jiang-duanfang |
| 1982.10.25 | Comrade Li Shisheng’s summary remarks at the on-site meeting at the Weifang Laogai Branch, a key national Laogai facility (excerpts) | Li Shisheng | Escaped criminals, Ideological remolding, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1982 | Part B | part_b | 1982 | escaped-criminals ideological-remolding political-work | li-shisheng |
| 1982.10.15 | Comrade Shen Bingzhen’s remarks at the on-site meeting at the Weifang Laogai Branch, a key national Laogai facility (excerpts) | Shen Bingzhen | Ideological remolding, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1982 | Part B | part_b | 1982 | ideological-remolding political-work | shen-bingzhen |
| 1981.10.20 | Comrade Peng Chong’s remarks at the national conference of provincial-level procurators (excerpts) | Peng Chong | Ideological remolding, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1981 | Part B | part_b | 1981 | ideological-remolding political-work | peng-chong |
| 1981.09.07 | Comrade Xi Zhongxun’s remarks at the Eighth National Conference on the Laogai Work (excerpts) | Xi Zhongxun | Ideological remolding, Political work, Public Security, Youth | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1981 | Part B | part_b | 1981 | ideological-remolding political-work public-security youth | xi-zhongxun |
| 1981.08.14 | Comrade Liu Fuzhi’s concluding remarks at the symposium on improving Laogai work | Liu Fuzhi | Cultural Revolution, Ideological remolding, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1981 | Part B | part_b | 1981 | cultural-revolution ideological-remolding public-security | liu-fuzhi |
| 1981.08.07 | Comrade Ling Yun’s remarks at the symposium on improving Laogai work | Ling Yun | Cultural Revolution, Public Security | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1981 | Part B | part_b | 1981 | cultural-revolution public-security | ling-yun |
| 1980.10.22 | Comrade Li Shisheng’s remarks at the Ministry of Public Security work conference | Li Shisheng | Gang of Four, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1980 | Part B | part_b | 1980 | gang-of-four political-work | li-shisheng |
| 1980.10.20 | Comrade Lü Jianguang’s speech at the Ministry of Public Security work conference | Lü Jianguang | Gang of Four, Laogai, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1980 | Part B | part_b | 1980 | gang-of-four laogai reeducation-through-labor | lu-jianguang |
| 1980.07.30 | Comrade Shen Bingzhen’s remarks at the national conference on the financial work of Laogai facilities (excerpts) | Shen Bingzhen | Financial management, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1980 | Part B | part_b | 1980 | financial-management laogai-industry | shen-bingzhen |
| 1980.04.26 | Key points of Comrade Zhao Cangbi’s remarks at the symposium on Laogai and re-education through labor) work | Zhao Cangbi | Laogai, Public Security, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1980 | Part B | part_b | 1980 | laogai public-security reeducation-through-labor | zhao-cangbi |
| 1980.04.26 | Key points of Comrade Ling Yun’s remarks at the symposium on Laogai and re-education through labor work | Ling Yun | Laogai, Public Security, Reeducation through labor | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1980 | Part B | part_b | 1980 | laogai public-security reeducation-through-labor | ling-yun |
| 1982.07.22 | Key points in Comrade Peng Zhen’s remarks at the National Conference on Political and Judicial Work (excerpts) | Peng Zhen | Cultural Revolution, Public Security, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1982 | Part B | part_b | 1982 | cultural-revolution public-security theory-and-policy | peng-zhen |
| 1981.05.21 | Peng Zhen’s remarks at the public security conference of five large cities | Peng Zhen | Cultural Revolution, Juvenile delinquent, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1981 | Part B | part_b | 1981 | cultural-revolution juvenile-delinquent public-security | peng-zhen |
| 1980.04.01 | Key points in Comrade Peng Zhen’s remarks at the fourth conference of the Politics and Law Committee | Peng Zhen | Organizational system, Political work, Reeducation through labor | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1980 | Part B | part_b | 1980 | organizational-system political-work reeducation-through-labor | peng-zhen |
| 1979.07.27 | Speeches by Peng Zhen at the national procurators working forum and a conference of the heads of the Supreme People’s Courts | Peng Zhen | Cultural Revolution, Public Security, Reexamination and reinstatement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1979 | Part B | part_b | 1979 | cultural-revolution public-security reexamination-and-reinstatement | peng-zhen |
| 1968.04.00 | Mao Zedong’s remarks on the nature of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution | Mao Zedong | Class enemies, Cultural Revolution, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1968 | Part B | part_b | 1968 | class-enemies cultural-revolution theory-and-policy | mao-zedong |
| 1966.08.01 | Mao’s letter to the Red Guards of the Middle School Affiliated with Tsinghua University | Mao Zedong | Cultural Revolution, Violence and abnormal death, Youth | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1966 | Part B | part_b | 1966 | cultural-revolution violence-and-abnormal-death youth | mao-zedong |
| 1966.06.00 | Mao’s directive regarding the occurrence of people-beating incidents | Mao Zedong | Cultural Revolution, Violence and abnormal death | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1966 | Part B | part_b | 1966 | cultural-revolution violence-and-abnormal-death | mao-zedong |
| 1965.12.01 | Comradie Li Shisheng’s remarks at the Wuxi national symposium of Laogai bureau chiefs (excerpts) | Li Shisheng | Ideological remolding, Political work, “Four Cleans” movement | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1965 | Part B | part_b | 1965 | ideological-remolding political-work four-cleans-movement | li-shisheng |
| 1965.07.06 | Comrade Wang Jinxiang’s concluding remarks at the Fourteenth National Conference on Public Security (excerpts) | Wang Jinxiang | Ideological remolding, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1965 | Part B | part_b | 1965 | ideological-remolding political-work | wang-jinxiang |
| 1965.06.11 | Comrade Xie Fuzhi’s remarks at the Fourteenth National Conference on Public Security (excerpts) | Xie Fuzhi | Ideological remolding, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1965 | Part B | part_b | 1965 | ideological-remolding political-work | xie-fuzhi |
| 1965.06.29 | Comrade Yang Qiqing’s talks about several issues of public security at the Fourteenth National Conference on Public Security work (excerpts) | Yang Qiqing | Conference of Public Security, Laogai industry, “Four Cleans” movement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1965 | Part B | part_b | 1965 | conference-of-public-security laogai-industry four-cleans-movement | yang-qiqing |
| 1965.06.09 | Mao Zedong’s Directives transmitted by Xie Fuzhi to the members of the Standing Committee of the CCP CC Politburo while reporting to the group about the Fourteenth National Conference on Public Security | Mao Zedong | Conference of Public Security, Laogai industry, “Four Cleans” movement | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1965 | Part B | part_b | 1965 | conference-of-public-security laogai-industry four-cleans-movement | mao-zedong |
| 1964.03.00 | Comrade Xu Zirong’s concluding remarks at the Thirteenth National Conference on Public Security (excerpts) | Xu Zirong | Ideological remolding, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1964 | Part B | part_b | 1964 | ideological-remolding political-work | xu-zirong |
| 1964.00.00 | Comradie Li Shisheng’s remarks at the national symposium concerning Laogai farms (excerpts) | Li Shisheng | Ideological remolding, Political work | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1964 | Part B | part_b | 1964 | ideological-remolding political-work | li-shisheng |
| 1962.05.23 | Liu Shaoqi and Peng Zhen’s Talk about Law Enforcement | Liu Shaoqi, Peng Zhen | Organizational system, Public Security, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1962 | Part B | part_b | 1962 | organizational-system public-security theory-and-policy | liu-shaoqi peng-zhen |
| 1960.02.11 | Speech by Xie Fuzhi on the Tenth National Conference on Public Security | Xie Fuzhi | Conference of Public Security, Great Leap Forward, Law and Rules | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1960 | Part B | part_b | 1960 | conference-of-public-security great-leap-forward law-and-rules | xie-fuzhi |
| 1960.02.27 | Comrade Xu Zirong’s concluding remarks at the Tenth National Conference on Public Security (excerpts) | Xu Zirong | Conference of Public Security, Great Famine, Violence and abnormal death | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1960 | Part B | part_b | 1960 | conference-of-public-security great-famine violence-and-abnormal-death | xu-zirong |
| 1959.05.14 | Take the security campaign as the key link, completely eradicate counterrevolutionaries, and strengthen the struggle against public security hazards: Zhang Dingcheng’s remarks at the national conference of advanced workers in public security, the procuratorate, and the courts | Zhang Dingcheng | Great Leap Forward, Law and Rules, Public Security | Public Security of the People. issue no. 11. 1959 | 1959 | Part B | part_b | 1959 | great-leap-forward law-and-rules public-security | zhang-dingcheng |
| 1959.05.12 | Strive for an even safer social environment: Xie Juezai’s remarks at the national conference of advanced workers in public security, the procuratorate, and the courts | Xie Juezai | Great Leap Forward, Public Security, Theory and policy | Public Security of the People. issue no. 11. 1959 | 1959 | Part B | part_b | 1959 | great-leap-forward public-security theory-and-policy | xie-juezai |
| 1959.05.05 | Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at the first meeting of model workers in organs directly under the Ministry of Public Security | Luo Ruiqing | Great Leap Forward, Ideological remolding, Public Security | Public Security of the People. issue no. 7. 1959 | 1959 | Part B | part_b | 1959 | great-leap-forward ideological-remolding public-security | luo-ruiqing |
| 1959.02.03 | Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at the meeting of model workers in public security, the procuratorate, and the courts of Beijing | Luo Ruiqing | Great Leap Forward, Ideological remolding, Laogai industry | Public Security of the People. issue no. 8. 1959 | 1959 | Part B | part_b | 1959 | great-leap-forward ideological-remolding laogai-industry | luo-ruiqing |
| 1985.06.25 | Comrade Gu Qiliang’s remarks at the national conference for exchanging experiences in managing special schools at Laogai facilities | Gu Qiliang | Laogai industry, Laogai school, Youth | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 2. | 1985 | Part B | part_b | 1985 | laogai-industry laogai-school youth | gu-qiliang |
| 1958.11.17 | Liang Guobin’s concluding remarks at the Southwest China political and legal region—guard the people’s communes and iron and steel work | Liang Guobin | Great Leap Forward, Insurrection, Public Security | Public Security of the People. issue no. 23. 1958 | 1958 | Part B | part_b | 1958 | great-leap-forward insurrection public-security | liang-guobin |
| 1958.11.14 | Luo Ruiqing’s concluding remarks at the meeting of the North China political and legal region—some noteworthy issues in the political and legal arenas following the people’s commune movement | Luo Ruiqing | Great Leap Forward, Public Security, Reactionary secret societies | Public Security of the People. issue no. 21. 1958 | 1958 | Part B | part_b | 1958 | great-leap-forward public-security reactionary-secret-societies | luo-ruiqing |
| 1958.09.12 | Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at the conference for the heads of the five-person teams of provincial, municipal, and prefectural Party committees | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Reeducation through labor | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1958 | Part B | part_b | 1958 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security reeducation-through-labor | luo-ruiqing |
| 1958.09.00 | A few issues related to the summary of the nine-year struggle: Luo Ruiqing’s summary report at the Ninth National Public Security Conference | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Right deviation | Public Security of the People. issue no. 15. 1958 | 1958 | Part B | part_b | 1958 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security right-deviation | luo-ruiqing |
| 1958.06.12 | Luo Ruiqing on “Public security work must further implement the mass line” | Luo Ruiqing | Great Leap Forward, Public Security, Theory and policy | Public Security of the People. issue no. 12. 1958 | 1958 | Part B | part_b | 1958 | great-leap-forward public-security theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1958.04.16 | Comrade Liang Guobin’s remarks at the Laogai work symposium (excerpts) | Liang Guobin | Great Leap Forward, Laogai industry | Compiled by the PRC Ministry of Justice (September 1987): Selected Reference Documents concerning Reform-Through-Labor Laws. Volume 1. | 1958 | Part B | part_b | 1958 | great-leap-forward laogai-industry | liang-guobin |
| 1957.12.04 | Our country’s accomplishments in the counterrevolutionary eradication struggle and our future tasks by Luo Ruiqing | Luo Ruiqing | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part B | part_b | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security | luo-ruiqing |
| 1957.07.03 | Summary speech by Comrade Luo Ruiqing at the National Symposium of Bureau Chiefs of Public Security | Luo Ruiqing | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1957 | Part B | part_b | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security | luo-ruiqing |
| 1957.07.02 | Work report by Dong Biwu, chief justice of the Supreme People’s Court, on the work of Supreme People’s Court | Dong Biwu | Court, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Law and Rules | People's Daily. July 2. 1957. | 1957 | Part B | part_b | 1957 | court eliminate-counter-revolutionaries law-and-rules | dong-biwu |
| 1957.07.01 | Report on procuratorate work since 1956 by Zhang Dingcheng, Director of Supreme People’s Procuratorate, at the fourth session of the First National People’s Congress | Zhang Dingcheng | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Theory and policy | People's Daily. July 2. 1957. | 1957 | Part B | part_b | 1957 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security theory-and-policy | zhang-dingcheng |
| 1957.07.00 | Mao Zedong’s writing on the situation in the summer of 1957 | Mao Zedong | Anti-Rightist Campaign, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1957 | Part B | part_b | 1957 | anti-rightist-campaign eliminate-counter-revolutionaries | mao-zedong |
| 1957.05.23 | Luo Ruiqing’s summary report at the meeting of the heads of the five-person teams from various provincial, municipal, and prefectural Party committees | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Reeducation through labor, Reexamination and reinstatement | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1957 | Part B | part_b | 1957 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries reeducation-through-labor reexamination-and-reinstatement | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.11.27 | Luo Ruiqing’s summary at the meeting of the groups of five of the Party committees of provinces, cities, and autonomous regions | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Reeducation through labor, Reexamination and reinstatement | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries reeducation-through-labor reexamination-and-reinstatement | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.09.18 | Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at CCP’s Eighth Party Congress on the progress in the eradication of counterrevolutionaries and other related experience | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Theory and policy | People's Daily. September 20. 1956. | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.07.15 | Speech by Zhang Dingcheng, head of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, at the joint national conference of heads of provincial- and municipal-level procuratorates, courts, and public security bureaus | Zhang Dingcheng | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Reexamination and reinstatement | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries reexamination-and-reinstatement | zhang-dingcheng |
| 1956.07.15 | Speech by Comrade Luo Ruiqing at the national conference of heads of provincial- and municipal-level public security bureaus convened immediately after the joint national conference of heads of provincial- and municipal-level procuratorates, courts, and public security bureaus | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Laogai, Prison | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries laogai prison | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.07.15 | Speech by Comrade Gao Kelin at the joint national conference of heads of provincial- and municipal-level procuratorates, courts, and public security bureaus | Gao Kelin | Court, Law and Rules, Organizational system | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | court law-and-rules organizational-system | gao-kelin |
| 1956.07.05 | Luo Ruiqing’s summary speech at the meeting of heads of the groups of five of provinces and cities | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.06.22 | Progress report and comments about the current status on the suppression of counterrevolutionaries: Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at the Third Session of the First National People’s Congress | Luo Ruiqing | Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | People's Daily. June 24. 1956. | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.04.11 | Luo Ruiqing’s summary at the meeting of the groups of five of twelve provincial Party committees | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Public Security, Theory and policy | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries public-security theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.04.05 | Summary speech by Luo Ruiqing at the March national conference of heads of provincial- and municipal-level public security bureaus | Luo Ruiqing | Public Security, Theory and policy | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | public-security theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.04.04 | Report by Comrade Peng Zhen at the March national conference of heads of provincial- and municipal-level public security bureaus | Peng Zhen | Court, Law and Rules, Organizational system | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | court law-and-rules organizational-system | peng-zhen |
| 1956.04.03 | Report by Comrade Zhang Dingcheng, head of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, at the March national conference of heads of provincial- and municipal-level public security bureaus | Zhang Dingcheng | Court, Law and Rules, Organizational system | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | court law-and-rules organizational-system | zhang-dingcheng |
| 1956.03.26 | Speech by Comrade Gao Kelin, deputy head of the Supreme People’s Court, at the March national conference of heads of provincial- and municipal-level public security bureaus | Gao Kelin | Court, Law and Rules | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | court law-and-rules | gao-kelin |
| 1956.04.03 | Speech by Comrade Gao Kelin, deputy head of the Supreme People’s Court, at the March national conference of heads of provincial- and municipal-level public security bureaus | Gao Kelin | Court, Law and Rules | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | court law-and-rules | gao-kelin |
| 1956.03.26 | Luo Ruiqing’s summary at the meeting of heads of the groups of five from fifteen provinces and cities, and the CCPCC, the central government, and the General Political Department | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Intellectuals, Law and Rules, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries intellectuals law-and-rules school-and-college | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.02.00 | Luo Ruiqing’s report at the meeting of heads of the groups of five from provinces, cities, the CCPCC, the central government, and the military system | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Intellectuals, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries intellectuals school-and-college | luo-ruiqing |
| 1956.02.00 | Lu Dingyi’s summary at the meeting of heads of the groups of five from eighteen provinces and cities | Lu Dingyi | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Intellectuals, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries intellectuals school-and-college | lu-dingyi |
| 1956.02.00 | Lu Dingyi’s summary at the meeting of heads of the groups of five from provinces, cities, and the central government | Lu Dingyi | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Intellectuals, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries intellectuals school-and-college | lu-dingyi |
| 1956.01.00 | Luo Ruiqing’s speech at the CCPCC conference on intellectuals | Luo Ruiqing | Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Intellectuals, School and college | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1956 | Part B | part_b | 1956 | eliminate-counter-revolutionaries intellectuals school-and-college | luo-ruiqing |
| 1955.12.16 | Report by Comrade Luo Ruiqing at the Seventh National Conference on Public Security: “Public Security Work since the Sixth National Conference on Public Security and Several Issues in the Plan for the 1956 National Pubic Security Work” | Luo Ruiqing | Conference of Public Security, Eliminate counter-revolutionaries, Plan or arresting | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1955 | Part B | part_b | 1955 | conference-of-public-security eliminate-counter-revolutionaries plan-or-arresting | luo-ruiqing |
| 1955.07.07 | Summary report by Chen Yixin at the conference of heads of the prefectural and municipal level public security agencies on making preliminary plans for the arrest of counterrevolutionaries and common criminals in the future | Chen Yixin | Plan or arresting, Public Security, Theory and policy | | 1955 | Part B | part_b | 1955 | plan-or-arresting public-security theory-and-policy | chen-yixin |
| 1955.06.15 | Summary speech by Comrade Luo Ruiqing at the national conference of heads of provincial- and municipal-level public security bureaus | Luo Ruiqing | Political work, Public Security, Theory and policy | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1955 | Part B | part_b | 1955 | political-work public-security theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1955.06.13 | Luo Ruiqing’s report at the national meeting of public security bureau chiefs | Luo Ruiqing | Public Security, Theory and policy | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1955 | Part B | part_b | 1955 | public-security theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1954.08.26 | Luo Ruiqing’s explanation of the draft of the Bill on Laogai | Luo Ruiqing | Law and Rules, Theory and policy | People's Daily. September 7. 1954. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | law-and-rules theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1954.08.00 | Comrade Luo Ruiqing’s report to the Government Administration Council concerning the Second National Conference on Laogai Work of Criminals | Luo Ruiqing | Laogai Conference, Laogai industry | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | laogai-conference laogai-industry | luo-ruiqing |
| 1954.06.17 | Summary report by Luo Ruiqing at the Sixth National Conference on Public Security | Luo Ruiqing | Campaigns of “Three Antis” and “Five Antis”, Conference of Public Security, Theory and policy | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | campaigns-of-three-antis-and-five-antis conference-of-public-security theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1954.06.09 | Report by Peng Zhen at the Sixth National Conference on Public Security regarding several issues in political work | Peng Zhen | Conference of Public Security, Organizational system, Political work | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | conference-of-public-security organizational-system political-work | peng-zhen |
| 1954.06.02 | Report by Dong Biwu at the Sixth National Conference on Public Security on several issues concerning work in politics, law, and ideology | Dong Biwu | Conference of Public Security, Law and Rules, Political work | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | conference-of-public-security law-and-rules political-work | dong-biwu |
| 1954.05.17 | Report by Luo Ruiqing at the Sixth National Conference on Public Security: “Further Reinforcing People’s Public Security Work to Ensure the Smooth Implementation of the Nation’s Socialist Construction and Socialist Transformation” | Luo Ruiqing | Conference of Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | conference-of-public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1954.09.22 | (Soviet adviser) Comrade Pugaofugen’s suggestions about checking and revising the work plan for the Beijing Qinghe Farm pilot program | Pugaofugen | Impact from Soviet Union, Laogai site, Prison | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | impact-from-soviet-union laogai-site prison | pugaofugen |
| 1954.09.22 | (Soviet adviser) Pugaofugen’s suggestions about checking and revising the work plan for the Tianjin prison pilot program | Pugaofugen | Impact from Soviet Union, Laogai site, Prison | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | impact-from-soviet-union laogai-site prison | pugaofugen |
| 1954.06.22 | (Soviet adviser) Pugaofugen’s suggestions for Tianjin prison and Beijing Qinghe Farm | Pugaofugen | Impact from Soviet Union, Laogai site, Prison | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | impact-from-soviet-union laogai-site prison | pugaofugen |
| 1954.03.18 | (Soviet adviser) Pugaofugen’s remarks at the second national conference on Laogai work | Pugaofugen | Impact from Soviet Union, Laogai site, Prison | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | impact-from-soviet-union laogai-site prison | pugaofugen |
| 1954.02.10 | (Soviet adviser) Pugaofugen lectures on prison management and correctional work | Pugaofugen | Impact from Soviet Union, Laogai site, Prison | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | impact-from-soviet-union laogai-site prison | pugaofugen |
| 1954.02.10 | Collection of answers by (Soviet) adviser Pugaofugen | Pugaofugen | Impact from Soviet Union, Laogai Origini, Prison | Compiled by the Ministry of Justice of the PRC: Selected Documents concerning Experiences of the Reform-through-Labor Work. Volume 1. Masses Press. 1989. | 1954 | Part B | part_b | 1954 | impact-from-soviet-union laogai-origini prison | pugaofugen |
| 1953.07.23 | Luo Ruiqing’s investigation report on the public security work in the Northeast (summary) | Luo Ruiqing | Public Security, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1953 | Part B | part_b | 1953 | public-security theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1953.03.16 | Chen Yixin’s report on banning reactionary secret societies in Hubei Province | Chen Yixin | Reactionary secret societies, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | | 1953 | Part B | part_b | 1953 | reactionary-secret-societies suppress-counter-revolutionaries | chen-yixin |
| 1953.02.07 | Luo Ruiqing on the preliminary success of banning reactionary secret societies | Luo Ruiqing | Reactionary secret societies, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Compiled by the editorial group of the Ministry of Public Security: Luo Ruiqing on the Work of People’s Public Security 1949–1959. Beijing: Masses Press 1994 | 1953 | Part B | part_b | 1953 | reactionary-secret-societies suppress-counter-revolutionaries | luo-ruiqing |
| 1952.10.18 | Summary speech by Luo Ruiqing at the Fifth National Conference on Public Security | Luo Ruiqing | Conference of Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1952 | Part B | part_b | 1952 | conference-of-public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1952.10.12 | Report by Luo Ruiqing at the fifth national conference on public security: “Examination of the Situation in Implementing the Resolution of the Fourth National Conference on Public Security and the Key Points in the Plan for Suppressing Counterrevolutionaries | Luo Ruiqing | Conference of Public Security, Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1952 | Part B | part_b | 1952 | conference-of-public-security laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries | luo-ruiqing |
| 1952.09.28 | Luo Ruiqing on the great achievements in the campaign to suppress counterrevolutionaries during the past three years | Luo Ruiqing | Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1952 | Part B | part_b | 1952 | public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1952.07.00 | Comrade Luo Ruiqing’s report to the CCP Central Committee concerning the First National Conference on Laogai Work | Luo Ruiqing | Laogai Conference, Laogai industry | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1952 | Part B | part_b | 1952 | laogai-conference laogai-industry | luo-ruiqing |
| 1952.03.15 | Luo Ruiqing’s report at the Enlarged Joint Meeting of People’s Representatives of all Sectors of Beijing Municipality and District about “completely eliminating sabotage by counterrevolutionaries” | Luo Ruiqing | Killing ratio, Reactionary secret societies, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | People's Daily. March 25. 1951. | 1952 | Part B | part_b | 1952 | killing-ratio reactionary-secret-societies suppress-counter-revolutionaries | luo-ruiqing |
| 1952.01.00 | Mao Zedong’s instructions on the struggle against capitalists | Mao Zedong | Campaigns of “Three Antis” and “Five Antis” | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1952 | Part B | part_b | 1952 | campaigns-of-three-antis-and-five-antis | mao-zedong |
| 1951.12.05 | Luo Ruiqing’s report on re-education through labor for more than one million prisoners (Excerpt) | Luo Ruiqing | Laogai industry, Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1951 | Part B | part_b | 1951 | laogai-industry laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries | luo-ruiqing |
| 1951.10.01 | Luo Ruiqing on the great campaign to suppress counterrevolutionaries | Luo Ruiqing | Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | People's Daily. October 1. 1951. | 1951 | Part B | part_b | 1951 | public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1951.09.17 | Speech by Comrade Peng Zhen at the Fourth National Conference on Public Security | Peng Zhen | Conference of Public Security, Killing ratio, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1951 | Part B | part_b | 1951 | conference-of-public-security killing-ratio suppress-counter-revolutionaries | peng-zhen |
| 1951.09.17 | Summary report by Comrade Luo Ruiqing at the Fourth National Conference on Public Security | Luo Ruiqing | Conference of Public Security, Laogai Origin, Suppress counter-revolutionaries | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1951 | Part B | part_b | 1951 | conference-of-public-security laogai-origin suppress-counter-revolutionaries | luo-ruiqing |
| 1951.09.16 | Speech by Zhou Enlai at the Fourth National Conference on Public Security | Zhou Enlai | Conference of Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | Compiled and printed by the Ministry of Public Security (September 1958): Selected Public Security Conference Documents from October 1949 to September 1957. | 1951 | Part B | part_b | 1951 | conference-of-public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | zhou-enlai |
| 1951.08.03 | Luo Ruiqing’s report at the Meeting of the Government Administrative Council of the Central People’s Government on the work of suppressing counterrevolutionaries | Luo Ruiqing | Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1951 | Part B | part_b | 1951 | public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1951.07.00 | Luo Ruiqing’s briefing on the report to Comrade Mao Zedong by thirty-seven municipal- and county-level Party secretaries of Shandong Province concerning the work of suppressing counterrevolutionaries | Luo Ruiqing | Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1951 | Part B | part_b | 1951 | public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1951.06.25 | The Party Central Committee (Mao Zedong) forwards and circulates written comments on Luo Ruiqing’s report concerning prisoner participation in production and construction | Mao Zedong | Laogai, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | Based on the duplicated copies of original documents | 1951 | Part B | part_b | 1951 | laogai suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | mao-zedong |
| 1951.06.23 | Luo Ruiqing’s report at the Third Session of the Second People’s Representatives Congress of Beijing about work to suppress counterrevolutionaries | Luo Ruiqing | Public Security, Suppress counter-revolutionaries, Theory and policy | People'a Daily. May 22. 1951. | 1951 | Part B | part_b | 1951 | public-security suppress-counter-revolutionaries theory-and-policy | luo-ruiqing |
| 1951.05.22 | Luo Ruiqing’s report at the Enlarged Joint Meeting of People’s Representatives of all Sectors of Beijing Municipality and District about |