Transmitted by the CCP CC: Report by the Religious Work Commission on fighting hidden counterrevolutionaries in “places for Christian gatherings”
CCP CC directive on carrying out the Campaign for Purging Counterrevolutionaries in the democratic parties and other agencies
CCP CC directive on thoroughly purging hidden counterrevolutionaries
CCP CC directive stating that the entire party must further heighten vigilance and intensify the struggle against counterrevolutionaries and other criminals
CCP CC directive on carrying out organization rectification among elementary school and middle school teachers and staff members
CCP CC directive approving the “Public Security Work Plan for 1955” by the Ministry of Public Security
Issued with CCP CC instructions: “Report on the Campaign to Criticize the Ideas of Hu Feng” by the CCP CC Propaganda Department

Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at the national conference of the model workers in organs of the political-legal front