Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at the conference for the heads of the five-person teams of provincial, municipal, and prefectural Party committees
Luo Ruiqing’s concluding remarks at the meeting of the North China political and legal region—some noteworthy issues in the political and legal arenas following the people’s commune movement
Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at the meeting of model workers in public security, the procuratorate, and the courts of Beijing
Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at the first meeting of model workers in organs directly under the Ministry of Public Security

Luo Ruiqing’s remarks at the national conference of the model workers in organs of the political-legal front

Luo Ruiqing’s talks at the South-Central political-legal conference

Luo Ruiqing’s summary speech at the eighth National Conference on Public Security

Luo Ruiqing’s speech at the national joint meeting of prosecutors, court presidents, and public security bureau chiefs